Oare Marshes

0730—1000 Initially a glaring sun and an uncomfortable , eye-watering W/NW breeze. 2 Whimbrels shared the saltmarsh with a Curlew, and Mediiterranean Gulls in numbers drited through high, calling. At the copse. A Song Thrush was knocking six-bells out of a `maritime` mollusc which it had garnered seaward side, and then flown to partial cover. A Canada Goose was loudly making its presence known and a Blackcap was singing from dense cover. Swallows continue to trickle through, but are also back in home territory just off the reserve. A Greenshank was feeding on the creekside mud and c 25 seals were on Horse Sands. In the near Oare locale in a sheltered aspect, there were numerous `whites`including several Orange Tips  and a Speckled Wood, plus Chiffchaff; Blackcap and Whitethroat in song and the fifth Cetti`s of the session.

Mike R