Oare Marshes

I spent an enjoyable couple of hours yesterday and today at Oare Marshes, my first birding trips since last November in Costa Rica. Both days were sunny and warm but with quite a sharp wind on the sea wall. Both days were also fairly quiet birding but, I can add a few to the year list. On both days a pair of Hobbies were hunting over the West Flood and occasionally resting on the concrete buildings. A couple of Common Terns were preening on the posts by the slipway. Reed Warblers and Sedge Warblers were singing away in the reeds by the East Flood with occasional views particularly good of the Sedge Warblers. A Marsh Harrier put up the 50 or so Black Tailed Godwits plus sundry other birds on the East Flood. Finally both days produced 2 or 3 Swallows.

Others reported Swift, House Martin and Turtle Dove but I did not see these myself.

Robert Marsh