Executive Committee

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Executive Committee

Kent Ornithological Society: Officers and committee members
Updated 15th June 2021


Honorary Life Presidents
Ken Lodge, John Cantelo, John Hollyer

President Chris Cox, Kake Cottage, Kake Street, Waltham, Canterbury CT4 5SD  
Chair Andre Farrar, Valence Dene, Eggarton Lane, Godmersham, CT4 7DY  
Vice Chair Chris Roome, Rowland House, Station Rd., Staplehurst TN12 0PY

01580 891686

Hon. Treasurer Mike Henty, 12 Chichester Close,Witley, Godalming, Surrey GU8 5PA


Hon. Secretary Brendan Ryan, 18 The Crescent Canterbury CT2 7AQ


Membership Secretary Chris Roome, Rowland House, Station Rd., Staplehurst TN12 0PY

01580 891686

Chair- Editorial and Records Committee Barry Wright, 6 Hatton Close, Northfleet, DA11 8SD

01474 320918

Chair – Conservation and Surveys Cttee  Murray Orchard, Ware, Herts

01920 822955

Editor Kent Bird Report Keith Privett,  Ashford,

01233 335533

Newsletter Editor Norman McCanch, Ash, Canterbury,

01304 813208

Outdoor Meeting Organiser Ray O’Reilly,  Cliffe  

07831 362502

Archivist/Data base Manager Robin Mace, Ashford

01233 631509

Ordinary Member Kieron Palmer,
Ordinary Member Vacant
BTO Rep. Ex officio Bob Knight

Editorial and Records Committee

County Recorder & Cttee Chair Barry Wright 6 Hatton Close, Northfleet, DA11 8SD

01474 320918

Secretary Alan Fossey 9 St Catherine’s Drive, Faversham, Kent. ME13 8LQ
Archivist/Data base Manager Robin Mace  Ashford,

01233 631509

Editor Kent Bird Report

Kent Bird Report co-ordinator


Keith Privett,

Robert Carr,





Dungeness Bird Observatory Representative

Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Representative

John Clements,  Maidstone

Steffan Walton

Rarities Panel  Dave Walker
Chris Hindle
Richard Collins
Matt Hindle
Ray O’Reilly
Andy Appleton
Area Recorders

Conservation and Surveys Committee

Chair Murray Orchard, 1 Gatesbury Way, Puckeridge, Ware, Herts SG11 1TQ

01920 822955

Secretary Murray Orchard ">
RBBP representative Brian Watmough
RSBP representative Alan Johnson
BTO representative Bob Knight
KWT representative Paul Tinsley-Marshall
Committee members Andre Farrar, Greg Hitchcock, Steve Wood, Martin Sutherland, Steffan Walton, Nicole Khan,

Simon Ginnaw