November 2016
A total of 158 species for the year
159 species by the same time last year
The total of 90 species for the month was predictably low given that Andy and Geoff were out of the country for much of the time (the average over the last ten years was 102.1 species). However, thanks go to Ted Lee whose regular visits when we were both away prevented a worse outcome. In fact, there were five additions to the year list – the predictable Velvet Scoter and Snow Bunting, the less than annual Pochard and Waxwing and the first for ten years Puffin.
30th – sunny and calm with a hard frost (-3 C on arrival). Both ponds were frozen and the brook also, where not sheltered by trees along the upper brook. A Sparrowhawk flew west over Lang Court early morning, there were 50 Oystercatchers at high tide and two Snipe were seen in flight over the area. The Shore Lark was seen again by the mouth of the “old” brook and on the shingle ridge. Two Grey Wagtails were present again, there were five Long-tailed Tits in the churchyard, one Greenfinch (scarce lately) flew by the Obs and 22 Linnets were on the shingle ridge.
29th – Sunny, calm and cold (-1.5 C on arrival). A flock of nine Great Crested Grebes flew east, another was on the sea, 14 Common Scoters flew west during the course of the morning and two Velvet Scoters flew west at 10.40 am. A Kingfisher flying west low over the sea about 400m offshore, was unusual. There were two Grey Wagtails and the pair of Stonechats remain.
28th – sunny with a light easterly wind. Three Mute Swans, a Shelduck and eight Wigeon flew west, a duck Pintail flew east and c30 Common Scoters were offshore. Waders included five Lapwings and 23 Sanderlings at the eastern end of the beach. A Shore Lark, our second of the autumn and year, was seen briefly on the shingle ridge late morning. There were two Grey Wagtails, a Chiffchaff was calling near the skate park, a Jay was in the sewage works and the flock of Linnets numbered 20.
26th – cloudy with a light NE wind. A Great Northern Diver flew east, a single Gannet flew east and an adult Shag close inshore by the Obs was seen again further east. One Wigeon flew west, a flock of 15 Eider (females and/or immatures) flew east and c40 Common Scoters were offshore. Waders included two Grey Plovers, a Lapwing and three Sanderlings on the beach. Away from the sea, there was a single Grey Wagtail, the pair of Stonechats, a Long-tailed Tit and 15 Linnets.
A Brown Rat was in the middle brook.
24th – sunny periods but with a strong NE wind. A steady stream of Gannets , flew weast, a flock of 38 Common Scoters were moving ofshore, five Great Skuas flew west, another headed east, and two Kittiwakes flew west. However, the highlight of the morning, if not the month, was a Puffin which flew east close inshore at 9.20 am. (our first here for ten years).
22nd – rain. The two Snow Buntings were still present on the beach. Four Mallards flew east and there was a count of 30+ Great Black-backed Gulls. The pair of Stonechats remain and the Linnet flock numbered 20.
21st – drizzle. A Great Northern Diver flew east close inshore, four Mallards flew west and there were 16 Sanderlings on the beach. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was in the churchyard whilst two Snow Buntings, at the eastern end of the beach were new for the year.
19th – light winds. Ted Lee noted Red-throated Diver and Great Crested Grebe, five Little Egrets, three Grey Herons and there were seven Mallard in the brook. On the beach, there were 100+ Golden Plovers, three Lapwings and five Sanderlings. The female Stonechat was present and there were Goldcrests and Long-tailed Tits in the churchyard. The Linnet flock numbered 30 birds.
17th – a SW wind. Ted Lee was joined again by Arnie Van Orsouw. A Red-throated Diver flew west, there were two Great Crested Grebes and a juvenile Velvet Scoter was offshore. Five Little Egrets and two Grey Herons were present, 120+ Golden Plovers and three Lapwings were on the beach and another 11 Lapwings flew west. In addition, three Skylarks flew west, a Green Woodpecker was in the churchyard, there was a pair of Stonechats and 20+ Linnets.
15th – SW winds. Ted Lee noted three Great Crested Grebes, three Little Egrets and a Grey Heron. A Little Grebe was still present
in the brook, a Great Spotted Woodpecker was in the sewage works and the pair of Stonechats remain.
10th – light winds. Ted Lee noted two Great Crested Grebes, three Shelduck flying east and Common Scoter. Waders included three Lapwings and 16 Sanderlings on the beach and a Snipe in the Marsh Pool and there were 16 Great Black-backed Gulls. A Little Grebe was in the brook, three Skylarks flew west and the pair of Stonechats were present.
7th – with Andy in Brazil and Geoff in Australia, it was down to Ted Lee and Arnie van Orsouw to take advantage of the seawatch conditions provided by the strong northerly winds gusting to 45 mph. They were not disappointed! The highlights were two Sooty Shearwaters and all four skuas: 35+ Great Skuas, nine Arctic Skuas and single Pomarine and a close-in Long-tailed Skua. In addition, there were two Red-throated Divers, 100s of Gannets, 100s of Brent Geese, 25 Wigeon, ten Teal, two Tufted Ducks, 50+ Common Scoters, two Red-breasted Mergansers, ten Little Gulls, 100s of Kittiwakes and two auk sp (in a five-hour seawatch from 7.45 am).
3rd – sunny and mild. Ten Gannets and two Common Scoters flew west. There was less evidence of vis mig this morning but flocks of Starlings were moving west, a few Fieldfares and Redwings were around, and a Brambling was in the sycamores in the churchyard. One flock of Starlings, over the Obs at 11.10 am included two Waxwings – another addition to the year list. A Common Buzzard circled over the estate.
A late Red Admiral flutterd around the Obs.
2nd – sunny with a westerly wind. The main event of the day was the passage of 200+ Fieldfares heading west over a wide front during the morning. There was also a steady trickle of Skylarks heading west. Three drake Velvet Scoters flew west at 10.30 am, three Great Skuas flew west five minutes later and, during the morning, 46 Gannets and 18 Kittiwakes also flew west.
1st – mild, misty and calm. Six ducks that appeared out of the murk proved to be five Tufted Ducks and a drake Pochard. Seven Redwings and ten Fieldfares flew over and Skylark, Brambling, Siskin and Reed Bunting were also on the move. A male Peregrine flew inland over the caravan park.
Swalecliffe September 2016
145 species recorded so far in 2016
147 species recorded by the same time in 2015
The total of 102 species was low and compares with an average over the last ten years of nearly 108. The weather was against us and it is telling that four of the six additions to the year list came on one day (17th) when conditions were right for sea watching.
30th – sunny with a moderate SW wind. Eight Gannets flew west, two Little Egrets flew east, a juvenile Grey Heron was in the middle brook with an adult on the Marsh Pool and a Little Grebe was in the brook below the sluice. There were 90 Ringed Plovers and two Grey Plovers on the beach at high tide and three Redshanks on the Marsh Pool. 14 Sandwich Terns flew west. There wee three Grey Wagtails, three Stonechats
28th – sunny with a moderate SW wind. Two Mute Swans flew east over the promenade, 80 Brent Geese flew east and a Red-throated Diver, a juvenile Gannet and a Marsh Harrier flew west. Waders included two Curlews on the beach and five Redshanks on the Marsh Pool at high tide. 19 Sandwich Terns flew east early and birds were present offshore all morning. Two Swallows and c50 House Martins flew west and a Yellow Wagtail was along the edge of the remnant brook. Two Stonechats were in the scrub and a Wheatear was at the eastern end of the beach. Two male Blackcaps were along the e ast bank and 80 Linnets were on the shingle ridge.
Speckled Wood and Small White butterflies were seen.
26th – cloudy and calm with a little rain at first, then light SW winds. An adult Little Grebe in the brook below the sluice was the first returning bird. Three Little Egrets flew west and two Shelduck and a Common Scoter flew east. Waders included a Redshank in the remnant brook, a Common Sandpiper on the beach and 72 Turnstones at high tide. Falcons were well represented with a Kestrel, two Hobbies and a Peregrine. There were c40 House Martins in an autumn where, so far, hirundines have been scarce. There were three Grey Wagtails, the female Stonechat was in the scrub and there were two Wheatears on the beach and on the shingle ridge. There were three Blackcaps along the east bank, a Jay in the Wood and a Reed Bunting flew west.
24th – cloudy with a light to moderate westerly wind. Three Gannets flew east, there were two Little Egrets on the beach and two Grey Herons on the tidal ponds. Ten Wigeon and 20 Teal flew west. A Snipe dropped into the Marsh Pool and two Bar-tailed Godwits flew east along the beach. A Guillemot was seen on the sea. A Kingfisher was in the middle brook, a Skylark was heard calling, a single Sand Martin and three Grey Wagtails were seen. The female Stonechat remains, there was one Willow Warbler along the east bank, 50 Linnets and a single Reed Bunting.
22nd – sunny at times with a light westerly wind. There were two Little Egrets and a Grey Heron on the beach and five Brent Geese, six Teal and a Bar-tailed Godwit flew west. A Greenshank was heard calling. Three Grey Wagtails included two flying west, the female Stonechat was again present and there were two Wheatears on the beach. Two Willow Warblers were seen in Scout wood and along the east bank and a Great Spotted Woodpecker was in the churchyard.
21st – sunny, calm and warm. The breeding plumage Red-throated Diver was offshore, two Little Egrets and two Grey Herons were on the beach and a flock of 25 Wigeon flew west. There was one Golden Plover on the beach and two Hobbies were circling and feeding over the sewage works. A female Stonechat in the grassland was the first of the autumn and two Willow Warblers were along the east bank.
19th – cloudy with a light northerly wind. A breeding plumage Red-throated Diver beyond the tidal ponds was the first retuning bird. There were four Gannets offshore and two Little Egrets and two Grey Herons on the beach. Five Brent Geese flew west, with another six on the sea, and a single Shelduck and five Wigeon also flew west. Waders included 34 Oystercatchers and 84 Ringed Plovers on the beach, three Grey Plovers and three Knot west, a Snipe flying north over the beach and a Redshank heard calling. Other birds heading west included a female Marsh Harrier, low over the sea, and a Great Skua, higher and more distant. A female Great Spotted Woodpecker was in the pear tree adjacent to the bluethroat bush, eight Sand Martins flew west and a Grey Wagtail, a Wheatear, six Long-tailed Tits, two Jays and two Reed Buntings were also noted.
Best of the butterflies was a Small Copper in the scrub and Speckled Wood, Large White and Red Admiral were also seen.
18th – cloudy with moderate northerly winds and cooler. As I settled down to count the sparrows leaving the roost from the bushes opposite the Obs, I was interrupted by a dark juvenile Long-tailed Skua which flew across the area pursued by a crow. It seemed to drop down on the newly-replenished Marsh Pool but was not seen again. A total of 544 House Sparrows had left the roost by 7.30 am; a record count for the site. Ten Brent Geese flew west, later a flock of 45 flew east and a flock of 14 Wigeon flew west. Waders included 24 Oystercatchers on the beach, a single Snipe which dropped into the Marsh Pool and a Common Sandpiper on the beach. Amongst the Ringed Plovers gathering on the beach on the incoming tide, there was a colour-ringed juvenile ( a red ring on the left leg and yellow flag with black writing )that could not be read) on the right leg. An Osprey (our third this year) flew west at 9.52 am. Two Sand Martins flew west, a Grey Wagtail flew north out to sea and a Wheatear was on the shingle ridge.
Only Red Admiral and Small White butterflies were seen and there was a dead Common Seal on the beach.
11th – sunny and warm with a light NW wind. Four Gannets flew east, two Bar-tailed Godwits were along the shoreline and two Common Sandpipers were in the brook. A Wheatear that flew into the sewage works from the promenade was the first recorded this month. A Grey Wagtail was along the middle brook and there were single Whitethroat and Willow Warbler, as well as Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs, along the east bank.
Butterflies seen were the three Whites, Speckled Wood and Red Admiral.
10th – sunny with a light southerly wind. Five Wigeon and a flock of 30 Bar-tailed Godwits flew west. There was still one Common Sandpiper in the brook. Two Stock Doves were on the shingle ridge, a Kingfisher was along the middle brook and an immature male Green Woodpecker was near the skate park. One Yellow Wagtail flew west and two Willow Warblers were along the east bank.
Seven species of butterfly included a Small Heath on the path below the bluethroat bush, a Fox moth caterpillar walked across the coastal path and a Weasel made a typically brief appearance by the Obs.
8th – sunny with light to moderate westerly wind, warm. A quiet morning was interrupted when a Manx Shearwater flew east at 10.30 am and then, five minutes later, a Spoonbill flew distantly west out at sea; both new birds for the year. Two Gannets, including a juvenile, and four Shelduck flew east and there were two Little Egrets and two Grey Herons on the beach. Eight Whimbrel, and single Grey Plover and Knot flew west and a Common Sandpiper was in the brook. A Turtle Dove flew west by the Obs (not often seen in autumn here), and single Yellow and Grey Wagtails also flew west. There were two Whinchats and a Garden Warbler in the scrub.
6th – cloudy, warm and humid, with a light southerly wind. A Shelduck, four Teal and eight Common Scoters flew west. There were two Little Egrets and a Grey Heron on the beach and a Common Sandpiper in the brook. Two Grey Wagtails flew west, a Lesser Whitethroat was along the east bank and an adult Rook flew over the football pitch towards the beach.
A vivid green trickle of liquid was flowing out of a pipe on the east side of the brook by the wooden bridge by Brook Road. It has been suggested that it had some tracing purpose but speaking to the Environment Agency and Southern Water they say they don’t know anything about it. Any ideas?
5th – cloudy and calm with light rain and drizzle. A busier morning for waders; a Golden Plover flew east, a party of seven Knot flew west along the shoreline and nine Dunlin dropped onto the beach. Parties of four and seven Bar-tailed Godwits flew west and a single bird flew east. Two Whimbrel flew east, a Redshank was on the beach, a Greenshank was heard calling and there were two Common Sandpipers. A single Wigeon flew west and a party of eight Arctic Skuas flew west distantly offshore. A Kingfisher flew east along the shoreline and a Great Spotted Woodpecker was calling near Lang Court. Two Grey Wagtails flew west and eight Pied Wagtails were on the fields by the caravan park. A Willow Warbler was by the Obs and 11 Long-tailed Tits flew from the estate across to the upper brook.
3rd – sunny with a light SW wind. Ten Little Egrets flew east over the area. Later, there were eight Little Egrets, four on the tidal ponds and four flew west, and two Grey Herons on the tidal ponds. There were three Curlews, and a Common Sandpiper was along the brook. A Great Skua flew west at 8.55 am. Two Swifts flew west over the sewage works, a Great Spotted Woodpecker was in the sewage works, a Sand Martin flew south over the sewage works and two Yellow Wagtails flew west. A Lesser Whitethroat and a Willow Warbler were along the east bank amidst many Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs. A Sparrowhawk and a Hobby were also noted.
1st – sunny, calm and warm. Two Knot landed on the foreshore by the Obs early morning. There were 12 Oystercatchers on the beach, a Common Sandpiper was on the beach and three more flew high west over the sea. A Redshank was also seen and there were two Little Egrets and a Grey Heron on the beach. A Kingfisher was in the brook, an immature male Green Woodpecker on the grass by the middle brook and two Lesser Whitethroats were also seen.
Butterflies seen were Small and Green-veined Whites, Speckled Wood, Holly Blue and a third appearance by the Small Heath near the Obs.
Swalecliffe August 2016
139 species seen so far this year
141 species seen by the same time last year
A mostly warm and sunny month with little to encourage falls of migrants and no good seawatching conditions. The total of 89 species for the month compares with an average of 92.5 for the previous ten years and the five species added to the year list were all very much expected. We did have one Spotted Flycatcher but we still await our first Pied Flycatcher and Redstart. A disappointing autumn so far.
31st – sunny, calm and warm again! Four Teal flew west and there were ten Mallard in the area. There were 12 Oystercatchers on the beach, 107 Ringed Plovers were roosting on the beach and the shingle ridge where there were also single Sanderling and Dunlin. A Snipe flew west over the beach, a Common Sandpiper was in the middle brook and the highlight was a party of three Curlew Sandpipers that flew west by the Obs; another addition to the year list. A Whinchat was in the grassland and there were Sedge and Reed Warblers along the east bank, a Lesser Whitethroat there (another in the scrub) and three Willow Warblers also along the east bank.
Butterflies seen were Small and Green-veined Whites, Speckled Wood, Holly Blue, Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral and a second appearance of the Small Heath near the Obs. A Shaded Broad-bar moth was also seen and a Long-winged Conehead popped by the Obs for a cup of tea!
Finally, a trampoline that was dumped by the Wood many months ago has now found its way into the brook where it risks creating a dam when branches and other detritus are washed down after heavy rain. It is also a danger if children were to play on it. I wonder how soon the Environment Agency (or is it the Council) will have it removed?
30th – sunny, calm and warm. There was a juvenile Peregrine on the beach by the Obs early morning. Waders included two Dunlin on the beach, two Whimbrel west, a Redshank and two Common Sandpipers along the middle brook. A Swift flew west over the sewage works, there were two Kingfishers along the middle brook and a male Great Spotted Woodpecker in the tallest of the sewage works trees. 30 Swallows flew west. A Sedge Warbler in the scrub was the first here this year and other warblers included a Lesser Whitethroat along the east bank and six Willow Warblers along the east bank and in the scrub. A party of 13 Long-tailed Tits were in the churchyard and later turned up at the Obs.
A Water Vole was seen along the middle brook.
29th – sunny with a light northerly wind. Waders included 94 Ringed Plovers and 104 Turnstones on the beach at high tide, a Dunlin on the shingle at high tide, a Snipe, a Whimbrel with Oystercatchers on the shingle, and three Common Sandpipers. Eight Sand Martins and a Yellow Wagtail flew west, a Grey Wagtail was in the middle brook by the wooden bridge and there were two Willow Warblers and three Long-tailed Tits by the Obs. A Buzzard was also seen.
27th – sunny with a freshening easterly wind. A Fulmar and a Common Scoter flew east and there were ten Gannets offshore. A Dunlin was feeding in the remnant brook; there were two Common Sandpipers and 91 Turnstones on the beach. A dark-phase adult Arctic Skua, which flew west at 9.25 am, was a new species for the year. There were three Stock Doves over the beach, a Kingfisher along the middle brook, two juvenile male Green Woodpeckers, a Yellow Wagtail flew west, there were two Whinchats in the scrub and a Hobby flew west over the Wood.
25th – sunny with a light northerly wind and remaining very warm. A Fulmar flew east, 20 Teal flew west whilst waders included two Whimbrel, a Black-tailed Godwit that attempted to land on the beach before being chased off west by a Herring Gull, a Redshank heard calling, three Green Sandpipers that flew west over the area and a Common Sandpiper. A Kingfisher was in the middle brook, a Green Woodpecker was seen, a single Meadow Pipit was in the grassland and four Yellow Wagtails flew west.
24th – Ted Lee was down in the morning and refound the Spotted Flycatcher in the dead tree by the Wood. He also saw 15 Common Sandpipers on the beach and three Common Scoters over the sea.
23rd -sunny, light southerly wind and very warm. There as a flock of 11 Redshanks along the shoreline that flew off east and there were four Common Sandpipers together on the beach. A juvenile Mediterranean Gull was on the sea close inshore. A Swift and two Yellow Wagtails flew west and two Kingfishers were seen. There were two Lesser Whitethroats and five Willow Warblers along the east bank. Arnie van Arsouw was down in the early afternoon when he found our first Spotted Flycatcher of the year near the sewage works. A search later in oppressive heat could not relocate the bird or much else!
Butterflies seen were Small White, Holly Blue, Speckled Wood and Gatekeeper. An appearance of the Small Heath near the Obs was a first for Swalecliffe and the 25th species for the site. A Water Vole was also seen.
22nd – sunny with a moderate SW wind. There were five Little Egrets on the beach, waders include single Dunlin and Whimbrel on the beach and a Common Sandpiper in the brook, there were four Sandwich Terns offshore and two Kestrels were hunting over the area. Three late Swifts flew west, a Kingfisher and a Green Woodpecker were seen, a Yellow Wagtail flew west and a Grey Wagtail flew into the sewage works. A Wheatear was in the grassland and three Willow Warblers were seen.
A Painted Lady appeared briefly at the Obs.
20th – sunny with a freshening SW wind. There were five Little Egrets on the beach early morning. Three Golden Plovers and two Shovelers – an adult and a juvenile – flew west over the sea. Raptors seen were two Sparrowhawks, a Kestrel and a Hobby. A Common Sandpiper was in the brook. A Whinchat was present in bushes west of the caravan park and two Wheatears were seen. A Turtle Dove flew west behind the Obs, ten Sand Martins were hawking in the lee of the Obs and two House Martins which flew west were the first seen this month. There were c10 Yellow Wagtails on the shingle ridge and overhead and two Willow Warblers along the east bank.
19th – cloudy with a moderate SW wind. A Fulmar and a Gannet flew east, a Peregrine flew east close inshore clutching prey and a Teal flew west. Waders on the beach included c20 Oystercatchers, 85 Ringed Plovers on the incoming tide and a Common Sandpiper. A flock of seven Greenshanks, accompanied by a single Redshank, dropped onto the tidal ponds but carried on west shortly afterwards. The immature male Green Woodpecker was on the grass near the skate park, there were 20 Swallows feeding over the grassland, three Yellow Wagtails flew west, a Grey Wagtail was in the middle brook, a Wheatear on the coastal path and three juvenile Willow Warblers were in the scrub and along the east bank.
18th – sunny , light NE wind and warm. There was some early morning activity with two Bar-tailed Godwits and two Whimbrel heading west together, a party of five Black-tailed Godwits in flight over the eastern end of the beach and a Green Sandpiper in the brook. Other waders included a Golden Plover, a Grey Plover and a Common Sandpiper whilst 91 Turnstones gathered on the beach at high tide. A Whinchat on one of the grassland bushes was a new bird for the year but it soon disappeared not to be found again. Four Shelduck, two adults and two juveniles, flew east, four Common Scoters, three drakes and a duck, flew east and six Gadwall flew west. A Kingfisher was in the middle brook, an immature male Green Woodpecker was seen on the football pitch and elsewhere, a Wheatear was near the Marsh Pool, a juvenile Willow Warbler was along the east bank and a Goldcrest was a surprise find in the churchyard. Three Buzzards were circling high to the south.
16th – sunny with a light easterly wind. A Fulmar flew west (and east), there were three Gannets offshore, six Gadwall flew west and c90 Common Scoters flew east (with some heading back west). There were 12 Oystercatchers on the beach, three Whimbrel, a Curlew and a Greenshank flew west, a Common Sandpiper was on the beach and 77 Turnstones gathered between the groynes at high tide. The Green Woodpecker was still present, a Great Spotted Woodpecker was heard calling and two Kingfishers were seen. A single Meadow Pipit was the first this month (it seems that this species has finally gone the way of the Skylark as a breeding bird because of constant disturbance). There was a Grey Wagtail in the middle brook and a Wheatear on the shingle ridge. Two Sparrowhawks were seen and two Buzzards were circling high to the south.
15th – Ted Lee was down this morning and saw two Sanderlings and a Common Sandpiper, two Green Woodpeckers, a Kingfisher and a Grey Wagtail.
13th – sunny with a moderate SW wind. There was an increase to 54 Ringed Plovers at the high tide roost where there were also 66 Turnstones and a single Dunlin. Four Sand Martins and 16 Swallows flew west, there were three Yellow Wagtails, a Wheatear was on the eastern end of the beach, seven Willow Warblers were seen along the east bank, at the Obs and in the scrub and a Reed Warbler was at the Obs. A juvenile male Green Woodpecker was along the east bank and in the Wood. Three Buzzards were soaring high in the sky to the SE.
A Comma butterfly on the Scout hut buddleia was the eight species for the month.
11th – cloudy with a light NW wind and light rain until 8.30 am. Three Gannets, which flew west, were the first here for over a month. There were three Little Egrets and a Grey Heron on the Marsh Pool and three Grey Herons came in from the south, circled over the area, and drifted east. There were 25 Ringed Plovers and 73 Turnstones roosting on the beach and a single Redshank flew west along the shoreline. A Kingfisher was along the middle brook, two Sand Martins flew south over the sewage works and seven Pied Wagtails were on the football pitch.
10th – sunny with a moderate NW wind. A male Marsh Harrier flew west over the sewage works at 6.50 am and was our first since April! Eight adult Common Gulls and an adult and juvenile Mediterranean Gull flew west (another adult flew east). A party of four Bar-tailed Godwits flew west along the shoreline and landed on the beach and 85 Turnstones were roosting between the groynes. A Wheatear along the promenade at the eastern end of the beach and a Reed Warbler along the east bank were both first for the return passage. Two Swallows and a Yellow Wagtail flew west and there was a juvenile Green Woodpecker and a Jay in the area.
A Green-veined White was the seventh species of butterfly for the month.
8th – sunny with a light SW wind. The Kingfisher was along the middle brook again and a Green Woodpecker was heard calling. Two Swallows flew west and a juvenile Willow Warbler was in the scrub. Too quiet for this time of the year!
Holly Blue was the sixth species of butterfly this month. Not very good and the small skippers seem to have disappeared early.
6th – sunny with a moderate SW wind. Three Sanderlings flew west along the shoreline by the Obs and a Whimbrel was heard calling. An adult Mediterranean Gull was on the beach and a Sandwich Tern (scarce at the moment) was seen offshore. Five Sand Martins and ten Swallows flew west and a Kingfisher was along the middle brook.
4th – sunny with a moderate westerly wind. A quiet morning; there were three Little Egrets on the beach and three Whimbrel flew west. A juvenile Green Woodpecker landed on the end of one of the groynes at the eastern end of the beach and a juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker flew into the trees behind the Obs. One Sand Martin flew west and a juvenile fed amongst the umbellifers behind the Obs.
Meadow Brown was amongst the butterflies seen and Common Darter was also present.
3rd – Ted Lee was down this morning and saw a Great Crested Grebe on the sea (our first since 15th June), two Grey Herons, three Sanderlings and four Sandwich Terns. There was a brief movement of Swifts of 100+ birds heading west and a Kingfisher was seen in the brook.
2nd – cloudy with light rain and drizzle until 9 am and a light westerly wind. Ringed Plovers numbers had increased to 29 at high tide, a single Dunlin was also present and a Curlew flew west. 44 Swifts, six Sand Martins and a Swallow flew west and a Green Woodpecker was heard calling near the Scout hut.
Red Admiral and Speckled Wood were amongst the butterflies seen.
1st – cloudy with a light NW wind. There were 99 Turnstones roosting on the beach on the incoming tide and a single Sanderling was on the beach. An second-summer Mediterranean Gull was on the sea and a Hobby flew east low over the caravan park. Four Sand Martins, two Swallows and a Grey Wagtail flew west and a juvenile Willow Warbler, our first returning bird, was in the bushes along the east bank.
Two Water Voles were seen in the brook and butterflies, in the cloudy conditions, were only Gatekeepers and Small Whites.
Swalecliffe July 2016
134 species so far this year
135 species at the same time last year
The total of 72 species for the month was well below the average of 78 over the previous ten years. Only one addition to the year list, the entirely predictable record of Greenshank. Waders were the main focus of events with 14 species seen including two Little Ringed Plovers (three for the year now after a blank year in 2015).
31st – sunny with a light NW wind. More variety of waders with three Oystercatchers, 18 Ringed Plovers, a Whimbrel, a Redshank and 77 Turnstones on the beach and a Bar-tailed Godwit and a Common Sandpiper heard calling. Few terns have been seen lately but one Sandwich Tern flew west. Two Swallows also flew west.
Butterflies recorded were Red Admiral, Gatekeeper, Speckled Wood, Small and Green-veined White.
30th – cloudy with a light westerly wind. The juvenile Little Ringed Plover was still in the brook behind the shingle ridge and at high tide there had been an increase in Ringed Plovers to 23 and a lone Dunlin and a Sanderling were also present. A Great Spotted Woodpecker flew into the sewage works by the skate park and into the churchyard from the estate but could have related to only one mobile bird. One Swallow flew west and a Meadow Pipit was seen in the grassland.
A Water Vole was seen in the lower brook upstream from the wooden bridge.
28th – sunny with a light SW wind. A total of 14 Whimbrel flew west early in the morning and there were 59 Turnstones gathered on the beach at high tide. One Fulmar flew east, a Little Egret was roosting along the east bank and then on the settlement tanks in the sewage works and a juvenile Little Ringed Plover appeared in the brook behind the shingle ridge mid-morning. A Stock Dove flew off the shingle ridge and two Swallows flew west.
After yesterday’s summary of the butterfly status at this site, amongst the ten species seen today was a Purple Hairstreak along the upper brook; a new species for the site which now totals a modest 24. Also, a Yellow Shell moth was seen near the bluethroat bush and male Common Darter and Emperor dragonflies were in the middle brook.
After years of persuasion, we got the Council to leave an area of grassland in front of the sewage works (which is part of the SSSI) to flower for the benefit of butterflies and other insects. A bit disappointing to see the state of it this morning!
27th – cloudy with a light SW wind and a little rain late morning. A juvenile Peregrine circled over the beach by the Obs early morning. Waders gathering at high tide between the groynes at the eastern end of the beach included 52 Turnstones, ten Ringed Plovers and a Sanderling. A Whimbrel and four Curlews flew west during the course of the morning. 20 Swifts, two Sand Martins and three Swallows flew west and there were three Pied Wagtails on the football pitch. The Kingfisher was again seen along the middle brook.
25th – sunny with a light NW wind. Cooler perhaps but still very warm. Four Whimbrel flew west and a Curlew flew east. A Hobby flew west low over the Wood. A Kingfisher along the middle brook was our first “returning” bird and only our second of the year after one in early January. 25 Swifts and five Swallows flew west. A Jay flew along the upper brook into the Wood.
Two Small Copper butterflies by Lang Court were our first of the year and brought the total to 18 species. Apart from Clouded Yellow, there are no more regular species to be added to the year list. Marbled Whites have occurred occasionally, Ringlets twice and there have been single records of Wall and Brown Argus.
23rd – sunny and warm with a light SE wind. There were five Little Egrets present early morning and a Little Ringed Plover flying over calling was our second of the year. A Fulmar, a Hobby and a Redshank also made early appearances. Nine Ringed Plovers on the beach included one juvenile and two Whimbrel flew west. A juvenile Mediterranean Gull on the beach was our first and another four older birds flew west. There was at least one Great Spotted Woodpecker in the pines at Lang Court , one Swallow stooped low over the football pitch, three Sand Martins flew east along the shingle ridge and two Yellow Wagtails flew west.
21st – mostly sunny with a light southerly wind and still warm. Eight Whimbrel, including two on the beach and a group of five with one Bar-tailed Godwit in tow. Other waders were three Oystercatchers , eight Ringed Plovers and 2 Turnstones. 20 Swifts and a Yellow Wagtail flew west, a Lesser Whitethroat was by the Obs and a Corn Bunting, only our second record of the year, flew west over the Obs.
There were seven species of butterfly noted and a Southern Hawker was by the Obs.
20th – sunny, very warm and humid with a strengthening southerly wind. Four very vocal Greenshanks flew west at 7 am (our first this year), a flock of 25 Common Scoters flew east and a lone Teal was resting along the shoreline. Two immature Grey Herons and 12 Turnstones and the number of juvenile Herring Gulls on the beach had risen to 40. Two Common Terns flew east ans seven Swallows flew west.
18th – sunny, very warm with a light southerly wind. A Little Egret and a Grey Heron were seen on the Marsh Pool and nine Ringed Plover, a Common Sandpiper and five Turnstones were on the beach. A Swift, six Swallows and to House Martins were seen and a Grey Wagtail dropped into the brook below the sluice.
16th – sunny with a light SW wind. Two Green Sandpipers flew west at 6.45 am (our fourth record this year after none in 2015). One Whimbrel and one Curlew flew west and, at high tide, a group of waders roosting between the groynes at the eastern end consisted of eight Ringed Plovers, six Turnstones and a Common Sandpiper. A Grey Heron was on the Marsh Pool and three adult Mediterranean Gulls and two adult Common Gulls flew west. Three Sandwich Terns included one juvenile. Seven Sand Martins, a single Meadow Pipit and a Yellow Wagtail flew west and a Grey Wagtail was heard near the sluice.
Nine butterfly species included Red Admiral and Speckled Wood and a Common Snout moth was a new species for the site.
14th – sunny with a fresh to moderate NW wind. The immature Grey Heron was by the pipeline and later on the Marsh Pool and an adult Moorhen was in the middle brook. There were single Oystercatcher and Ringed Plover and two Whimbrel and two Curlews flew west. Ten Turnstones were roosting on the beach amongst the tangle of wires between the groynes at the eastern end of the beach. Three adult Mediterranean Gulls flew west over the area. A Turtle Dove flew across the area and spent several minutes by the remnant brook behind the shingle ridge. 14 Swifts, three Sand Martins and three Swallows flew west and a Yellow Wagtail was heard calling from the shingle ridge.
11th – sunny periods with a moderate westerly wind. There were single Little Egret and Grey Heron on the beach whilst a flock of ten Turnstones suggested some returning birds. Two Stock Doves flew south over the Wood and a single Sand Martin and Yellow Wagtail heading west was a small indication of return passage.
Butterflies included our first Gatekeepers and a Comma.
9th – sunny with a light SW wind. There were two Little Egrets and a Grey Heron on the beach . A Curlew flew west and a Redshank was seen in flight along the shingle ridge. A single first-summer Mediterranean Gull flying west was followed by a flock of 11, five of which rested on the beach by the Obs. Four Sandwich Terns flew east and included our first juvenile bird. Five Swallows flew west.
Butterflies included Comm and Green-veined White.
7th – sunny and calm. There were four Little Egrets and a Grey Heron on the beach, a Curlew and two Turnstones, and two Whimbrel paused briefly on the shoreline by the Obs on their westward mission. There were 42 Black-headed Gulls on the beach by the Obs early morning and another 106 flew west during the morning. Three adult Mediterranean Gulls flew west and there was another on the beach. A Stock Dove flew onto the shingle ridge, a Great Spotted Woodpecker was calling in trees behind the skate park and two Yellow Wagtails on the shingle ridge flew off west.
I’ve heard that in some areas in the county, where there is algae on lakes and ponds, notices have gone up advising, or telling owners, to keep their dogs on leads as it may be toxic. We have the algae, we have the dogs but no notices and dogs continue to use the “nature” ponds as their play area.
6th – sunny with a moderate NW wind. There was more evidence of wader movement with a flock of 12 Lapwings inland flying west and parties of five and four Whimbrel also flying west. Other waders were ten Oystercatchers on the beach, and another three flying east, two Ringed Plovers, a Curlew flying west and five Turnstones on the beach. Two Shelduck flew west, there were two Little Egrets and a Buzzard was high to the SE. Four Swifts and three Swallows flew westand a juvenile Jay was in the sewage works.
Butterflies were Small White, Small and Large Skipper and Meadow Brown and another Burent moth was seen.
4th – sunny, warm, with a light SW wind. A Fulmar and ten Gannets flew west, the immature Grey Heron, an Oystercatcher, a Curlew and two Turnstones were on the beach and a Redshank was in the brook. A first-summer Common Gull flew west, two adult Mediterranean Gulls were on the beach and a first-summer flew west. A Stock Dove appeared again in the shingle ridge and the Meadow Pipit was in song flight by the coastal path.
Butterflies included a Comma, there were six Burnet moths, Common Darter and a Blue-tailed Damselfly.
2nd – sunny with a fresh SW wind. Five Gannets flew west, a Little Egret was roosting in trees along the upper brook and the young Grey Heron was on the Marsh Pool. A Buzzard was soaring and hovering high to the SE and an adult Moorhen was along the middle brook. Three Oystercatchers and two Curlews were on the beach. Ten Swifts flew west and a Lesser Whitethroat was in the churchyard.
Butterflies included Green-veined White, Large Skipper and Small Tortoiseshell and amongst others there was a micro moth, pammene aurana.
1st – cloudy with a moderate SW wind. 22 Gannets flew east including one flock of 22 birds. There were two Little Egrets and a Grey Heron and two Curlews flew west. A Common Sandpiper was heard calling on or over the beach by the Obs and a Yellow Wagtail was heard calling from the shingle ridge. A Stock Dove dropped onto the beach and a Meadow Pipit, apparently absent recently, was singing from a bush near the coastal path.
Butterflies seen were Small White, Holly Blue and Meadow Brown.
Swalecliffe June 2016
June 2016
133 species so far this year
131 species by the same time last year
The total of 71 species for the month was slightly under the average of 73.5 for the previous ten years. However, the addition of Nuthatch to the site list on 25th was a welcome surprise. A similar record to the one that was seen at Oare Marshes on 3rd July 2007 – the first and only one recorded there.
30th – cloudy, light rain and drizzle, calm. 12 Gannets flew east, there were three Little Egrets in the brook and on the Marsh Pool and the young Grey Heron was on the shingle ridge. There were to two Oystercatchers and three Ringed Plovers and a Redshank was in the Marsh Pool. A Sand Martin flying west over the area was the only one seen all month.
29th – sunny with a light to moderate SW wind. Two Gannets flew west, a Little Egret was roosting along the east bank and Grey Heron was in the pool at the end of the “old” brook. Two Ringed Plovers on the beach included a juvenile, two Curlews flew west and there were single Oystercatcher and Turnstone on the beach. A Hobby hunted through the area, a Stock Dove landed on the shingle ridge and 364 Swifts flew west. A Lesser Whitethroat and a Chiffchaff were in the churchyard and another Chiffchaff was at the Obs.
Butterflies on the wing were Meadow Brown, Holly Blue and Small White.
28th – cloudy. Two Ringed Plovers and a family of Pied Wagtails were feeding in the remnant brook. A single House Martin flew along the brook. At about 10 am, agitated gulls revealed the presence of a Red Kite drifting west and a Common Buzzard circling to the south of the church.
As the day warmed up, Andy turned his attention to smaller things. Moths included the first Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnets of the year, two Shaded Broad-bars, abundant Grass Veneers and Homoeosoma Sinuella. There were plenty of Meadow Browns, a Large Skipper, a tatty Painted Lady and a Comma (sharing a leaf with a Oedemera Nobilis (beetle) and a Portevinia maculata (hoverfly).
27th – cloudy with a light to moderate westerly wind. Ten Gannets and two Shelducks flew east and eight Little Egrets early morning included six around the beach and another two coming in from the east and a Grey Heron on the shingle ridge. A single Turnstone was on the beach and three Curlews flew west. Two Common Terns were on one of the yellow buoys and a Sandwich Tern was also offshore. 140 Swifts flew west and a Skylark sang briefly above the shingle ridge and then headed west by the Obs.
Small White and Small Tortoiseshell butterflies were seen.
25th – sunny and warm with a light westerly wind. There were four Little Egrets and a Grey Heron on the shingle ridge and the nearby pool at the former mouth of the brook. Eight Oystercatchers dropped onto the beach where there were also two Turnstones and a Green Sandpiper, our second of the year, flew west. Two adult Mediterranean Gulls flew east high over the area and, later three adults flew west low over the sea. A Meadow Pipit sang from a bush in the grassland (this species has been absent for much of the month) and a juvenile Lesser Whitethroat was present along the east bank. It appeared to be another quiet day in June. However, at about 10.25 am, whilst talking with Philip and Ted at the Obs, we heard a call that sounded like a Nuthatch and indeed it was a Nuthatch which showed briefly, very briefly, in the trees behind the Obs. A new species for the site!!
It was another good morning for butterflies with nine species, including our first Comma of the year. A Water Vole was also seen along the middle brook.
24th – sunny, warm with a light westerly wind. There were two Little Egrets on the beach, two Oystercatchers, a Sandwich Tern, a Sparrowhawk, 30 Swifts flew west and a rather tatty adult Lesser Whitethroat was along the east bank.
Again attention was drawn towards bug-life. Butterflies included a Painted Lady and there were three Silver Y moths in the grassland; our first this year.
21st – sunny, warm with a light southerly wind. There were three Little Egrets and a Grey Heron on the beach, a Shelduck and a Curlew flew east and there were four Turnstones between the groynes at high tide. There were single Sandwich Tern and Common Tern and a Stock Dove landed on the beach.
Attention at this time of the year, and on a warm day, turns to other forms of nature. Seven species of butterly, none new, were seen as well as Common Darter and Blue-tailed Damselfly and a rare in these parts Marsh Frog was at the Obs Pool.
18th – cloudy with a moderate northerly wind and unseasonally cool. Four Gannets flew west, there were two Little Egrets on the beach and a Shelduck was in the abandoned brook behind the shingle ridge. A party of nine Curlews flew west over the beach early morning and two further singles followed later. A flock of 70 Swifts flew west and a single Swallow also. Whilst Blackcaps and Whitethroats continue to sing competitively, a Chiffchaff singing in the Wood was the first heard for some time. A third brood of Mallard, albeit consisting of only two small ducklings, was seen in the upper brook.
Sheltering from the northerly winds in the long grass in the back room of the Obs, revealed out first Large Skipper of the year (our 13th species this year), the cutely-named moth, Timothy Tortrix, and a Common Marble, celypha lacunana. A useful distraction at this time of the year!
16th – mostly sunny with a light southerly wind and warmer. Two Fulmars flew east, a Little Egret s on the beach and a first-summer Mediterranean Gull flew west. Eight Curlews – a party of six and two singles – flew west and two Turnstones were on the groynes at the eastern end of the beach. A Stock Dove landed on the shingle ridge and, as yesterday, a Skylark was in song flight above the fields beyond the caravan park.
For whatever reason, dragonflies are uncommon here, except for Migrant Hawkers and Common Darters from late Summer onwards. Therefore, the appearance of a Common Darter on such an early date was unexpected. Butterlies were represented by Holly Blues, Small and Green-veined Whites.
15th – sunny periods with a late heavy shower, light SW winds. There was one Great Crested Grebe on the sea, one Gannet flew east and west and a Little Egret and a Grey Heron were together in the “mouth” pool. Three Curlews flew west. A Skylark was seen in song flight, from the Obs, but over the fields behind the caravan park and a Great Spotted Woodpecker circled over the area and headed east towards the caravan park. A Whitethroat was feeding a fledged juvenile by the Obs.
There were Holly Blue and Small White butterflies and our first Meadow Brown of the year.
13th – sunny at first then cloudy with a light SW wind. 12 Mediterranean Gulls circled over the area and drifted off east early morning. A Canada Goose flew east over the area at 7.40 am; only the second record this year after a group of five in March. Three Gannets flew west and there were five Turnstones on the beach. A Turtle Dove flew east by the Obs, two House Martins flew west (the first this month) and a Jay was in the Wood.
A Water Vole swam across the brook above the sluice in the area where most recent sightings have been.
11th – some thin cloud cover, calm and muggy. There were five Little Egrets on the shingle ridge early morning but they were soon dispersed by dog walkers. A Great Crested Grebe flew west close inshore, five Gannets, three Shelducks and five Common Scoters also flew west. Six Turnstones on the beach was the highest count for some time. A Hobby was seen over the estate early morning and seven Swifts flew west.
A male Common Blue was beside the coastal path.
10th – light cloud with a light easterly wind. There were two Little Egrets in the remnant pool at the mouth of the brook and two Turnstones on the beach. Two Stock Doves, which flew south from the beach early morning, were the first seen here since April. Two Sparrowhawks and a Hobby circled distantly to the SE beyond the estate. A Reed Warbler was singing in the bushes behind the skate park and a single Swallow flew west.
A Fox was resting in the undergrowth along the upper brook, a Small White was seen and there are still good numbers of Diamond-back moths.
8th – light cloud, calm and warm. There was one Great Crested Grebe on the sea, four Shelduck flew west (another pair flew over the area) and two Common Scoters flew west. There were three Little Egrets on the beach, a Curlew on the brook pool flew off west and a Redshank and a Common Sandpiper were along the shoreline. A male Blackcap was seen feeding a fledged juvenile in the Wood.
6th – sunny with a light NE wind. There were two Great Crested Grebes on the sea, seven Gannets and four Shelduck flew west and three Mediterranean Gulls flew east. There were two Little Egrets on the beach and an immature Grey Heron by the “mouth” pool and on the shingle ridge. Four Swallows flew west and an adult Rook joined the crows on the beach before flying south over the sewage works.
A Grey Seal appeared close inshore by the Obs and was seen chomping away at a massive Thornback Ray, with gulls in attendance hopeful of some scraps from the big man’s table.
4th – cloudy, a light NE wind and warmer. Two Little Egrets flew west, a pair of Shelducks flew east (and west) and, unusually, there were six adult Mediterranean Gulls close inshore on the sea by the Obs. 12 Swallows flew west, a Reed Warbler singing in the hedge along the upper brook showed well, there were 52 Carrion Crows on the beach, a male Reed Bunting was in song and a female was seen nearby. The black female Mallard still had 13 ducklings (five dark ones) and a conventional female has three.
Butterflies included our first Common Blue and Painted Lady of the year and a Speckled Wood. There were thousands of Diamond-back moths throughout the grassland and a Common Swift moth by the Obs.
3rd – cloudy with a fresh northerly wind and cool. 16 Gannets flew west, a pair of Shelducks flew east over the area, four first-summer Common Gulls were offshore and two adult Mediterranean Gulls flew west over the sea. A single Oystercatcher and three Ringed Plovers were on the beach. There were two sightings of Hobby during the morning and three Swallows flew west.
2nd – cloudy with a cool northerly wind. There were good numbers of Gannets offshore. A Hobby gave good views over the football pitch and a late Common Sandpiper was at the mouth of the brook. However, in the unpleasant conditions there was little else of avian interest.
Shelters areas did reveal the presence of a number of Diamond-back moths as our contribution to the current invasion.
1st – cloudy with a moderate northerly wind, showers, and cool. A single Fulmar flew east, there were 50+ Gannets offshore during the course of the morning, and five Common Scoters, an adult Kittiwake and a large Auk sp flew east. One Turnstone was on the beach at high tide and two Grey Plovers, not in breeding plumage, appeared briefly on the shoreline by the Obs. A small numbers of Swallows, c10, flew west. Mike Roser paid a visit in the afternoon and saw the hepatic female Cuckoo in the scrub (we had not seen this bird since 16th May).
A Water Vole showed well in the middle brook.
Swalecliffe May 2016
132 species recorded so far this year
129 species recorded by this time last year
The total of 84 species for the month was below the average of 87 for the previous ten years and the end of May total of 132 species was just below the average of 133. Interesting birds included our first May Little Grebe, our first Hepatic Cuckoo, the first White Stork for the site and the first Roseate Terns for ten years and the first ever twitchable individuals. Assuming this is the end of Spring (as it is officially), birds not seen so far include Greenshank, Redstart and Whinchat, Sedge Warbler and Spotted Flycatcher.
30th – cloudy with a strong NW wind. A Fulmar flew west and 28 Gannets and three Common Scoters flew east. A Whimbrel was on the beach.
Not great conditions for birding but for kite surfing, and on a bank holiday, with 40+ apparently ideal!
29th – cloudy with a moderate northerly wind and cool. A Fulmar flew east then, possibly the same bird, flew west over the beach. There were two Gannets offshore and two Little Egrets flew separately west. The “black” Mallard brood appears to be down to nine ducklings. There were nine immature Great Black-backed Gulls on the shingle ridge at high tide. A Grey Wagtail in the brook by the sluice was the first here since February but on a typical date for “post-breeding” dispersal. A male Pied Wagtail on the football pitch was accompanied by our first juvenile. Eight Swifts and three Swallows flew west.
28th – a cold NE wind was blowing. A Fulmar flew west and 14 Gannets flew east. A few Swifts, Swallows and House Martins were moving over the sea and a Cuckoo landed in a bush and then flew around over the shingle ridge.
26th – a flock of 15 Gannets, a Fulmar and two Shelducks were seen offshore and two adult Mediterranean Gulls flew east. A Hobby was seen in flight over the estate. Four Sand Martins flew west and eight House Martins circled around the now-blocked new exit of the brook. A Reed Warbler sand from the depths of cover along the brook.
24th – cloudy and cold with a strong N-NE wind. There were two Gannets, there was no vis mig but a Turtle Dove was seen in the scrub.
23rd – cloudy, cold with heavy showers. 27 Gannets flew east, Swallows and House Martins, six Sand Martins and two Yellow Wagtails flew west and a Turtle Dove flew into the sewage works.
21st – cloudy with a blustery SW wind. A Hobby showed well, two Arctic Terns and 28 Gannets flew east. A steady movement of Swallows, some Swifts, 18 House Martins and seven Yellow Wagtails flew west. A single Roseate Tern appeared close inshore at 10.30 am, but only briefly, and there were no further sightings during the day.
The presence of a dozen or so birders appears to have disconcerted some dog walkers (50+ with 170+ dogs). It seems they have come to accept us (Andy, Geoff and Ted) but can’t cope with any more. Perhaps we could come to a parity arrangement; and dogs could fly!
20th – sunny with a light to moderate SW wind. Another quiet start to the day; a Great Crested Grebe on the sea, single Fulmar and Gannet and a pair of Shelduck flying west. There had been fewer terns present but at 10.45 am the two Roseate Terns reappeared fishing close inshore where they were seen by many birders during the course of the day. A third bird was reported during the afternoon! Two adult Kittiwakes also flew west and there was a steady trickle of Swallows flying west.
A Speckled Wood was seen by the Obs.
19th – sunny with a light NW wind. The morning began quietly but with the onshore wind a Fulmar flew west along the beach, there were 30+ Gannets offshore and an adult Kittiwake flew east. At 8.55 am, a brief view was had of a Roseate Tern as it flew east close inshore. Then two birds reappeared and were then present, fishing, resting on the sea (or the bouys when vacated by Sandwich Terns) for most of the day affording excellent views of this rare tern which had not been recorded here for ten years! There was also what appeared to be a “portlandica” Arctic Tern fishing offshore. Other birds included a single Great Crested Grebe on the sea, a flock of nine Dunlin flying east close inshore, four Turnstones, and a Yellow Wagtail that circled the area. There was no sign of either the Turtle Dove or the two Cuckoos.
17th – sunny with a light SW wind. A Little Egret was by the old mouth of the brook and a single Dunlin and two Turnstones were on the beach. There were five drake Mallards together in the brook, the black female still has 15 ducklings and another female has a brood of only three. The Turtle Dove was still holding territory in the sewage works but only the male Cuckoo was seen. A Swift, two Sand Martins and ten Swallows flew west.
16th – cloudy and cool. The Turtle Dove was still singing in the NE corner of the sewage works and showed well. The hepatic female Cuckoo, also still present, was joined by a male. The female was seen to be feasting on hairy caterpillars. Good bird to have hanging around but there was no sense of movement save for a few Swallows and a group of seven Gannets which flew west. However, just after 11 am, Andy picked out a White Stork coming west over the sea, circling around, and then heading NW towards Essex. This new bird for the site was also enjoyed by Ted Lee and Philip Hurst but Geoff was just re-entering the county along the M25 from Surrey at the time!
14th – sunny with a moderate NE wind, remaining cool. There were two Shelduck in the remains of the brook behind the shingle ridge and two flew east. A Whimbrel flew west and three Turnstones were on the beach. The hepatic female Cuckoo was still in the scrub, a Turtle Dove was singing along the east bank within the sewage works and a Jay was in the churchyard. . An ordinary duck Mallard with five ducklings was in the middle brook.
With the recent lack of rain and onshore winds, the new outlet of the brook has become blocked.
13th – cloudy at first then sunny, a light NE wind and cooler. Ten Gannets flew west in one flock having been very scarce in recent months. There was one Little Egret on the beach, two Ringed Plovers (the level of disturbance of these would-be breeders has increased markedly since the brook changed direction), and Turnstone numbers remain very low with only four seen. Bird of the day was undoubtedly a hepatic female Cuckoo in the scrub; a first of this rare form for the site. The first juvenile Starlings were on the wing but still begging food off their parents.
There were four Holly Blue butterflies along the upper brook and Green-veined Whites were also seen. The first Salsify flowers were in bloom.
11th – cloudy, rather misty all morning, light SE wind. A very quiet morning. There were only two Turnstones on the beach and an adult Kittiwake flew west. A single Yellow Wagtail also flew west.
A Water Vole showed well in the middle brook.
9th – light cloud and a light SE wind and still warm. A flock of seven Mute Swans flew east along the beach and a Shelduck flew west. The black Mallard had 15 ducklings along the middle brook. Two Lapwings flew east and two Common Sandpipers were on the beach and in the brook. A Red Kite was picked up soaring to the SE and then flying rapidly west at 9.25 am – belated addition to the year list. A Wheatear was perched on a TV aerial in the caravan park.
Butterflies were out today with Small and Green-veined Whites, Orange-tip and Speckled Wood.
7th – sunny and warm with a light SE wind. There were two Great Crested Grebes on the sea, Shelduck offshore included a flock of ten flying west, a drake Tufted Duck flew west and a drake Red-breasted Merganser flew east close inshore. Waders included a Lapwing circling over the area (unusual here in May), a non-breeding plumage Grey Plover and a Sanderling on the beach and a Common Sandpiper in the brook. Three Sand Martins and six Yellow Wagtails flew west, two Reed Warbler sang, in the scrub and along the east bank, and a Garden Warbler appeared silently at the Obs. Two Corn Buntings, a species now scarce but a regular winter visitor only a few years ago, flew over the Obs and sewage works, twice.
An Orange-tip butterfly was a belated addition to the year list.
6th – sunny and warm with a light SE wind. There were two Great Crested Grebes on the sea, two Gannets, three immature Mute Swans, two Greylag Geese, two Common Scoters and five first-summer Common Gulls flew east. A breeding plumage Dunlin was on the beach, two Curlews flew east and two Common Sandpipers were on the beach and in the brook. A Hobby flew west early morning, our second Turtle Dove also flew west, two Yellow Wagtails included one on the football pitch and a Reed Warbler singing fitfully along the upper brook was another addition to the year list.
4th – sunny with a light southerly wind and warmer. A Great Crested Grebe was on the sea, five Mute Swans and 12 Shelducks flew west and there were three Little Egrets on the beach and in the brook. There were six Dunlins with Turnstones on the incoming tide and a juvenile Kittiwake came in from the east to settle along the shoreline by the Obs. One Swift and one Yellow Wagtail flew west, the acredula Willow Warbler was again by the Obs and a Garden Warbler near the Wood was our first of the year.
2nd – cloudy with a little drizzle and moderate SW wind. A Great Crested Grebe was on the sea, a pair of Shelduck flew west and a late drake Red-breasted Merganser flew east close inshore. An adult Brent Goose was on the beach. Two Common Sandpipers flew west along the beach with a Dunlin, three Whimbrel flew west, two more Common Sandpipers were on the beach and 53 Turnstones gathered at high tide. The breeding plumage Little Grebe was again in the middle brook. A Turtle Dove that flew west by the scout hut at 8.28 am was our first of the year, a Cuckoo lingered around the bushes opposite the Obs, and there was a westerly movement of hirundines and Goldfinches. A female Wheatear was on the shingle ridge and coastal path and a Willow Warbler, in song by the Obs, showed characteristics of the Scandinavian race acredula.
Swalecliffe April 2016
125 species for the year
122 species by this time last year
An above average total of 99 species for the month, despite the prolonged periods of cool weather, and an average end of April total of 125 species for the year. Notable birds included our latest ever Great Northern Diver recorded on several dates up to 16th, a late Little Grebe from 28th, perhaps surprisingly our first ever April Pintails, our earliest Osprey on 9th and, after a total absence last year, Little Ringed Plover and Green Sandpiper.
30th – another good morning. A Hobby flew west early morning and another appeared over the shingle ridge and flew west close to the Obs. Two Little Terns flying west was a second addition to the year list and good to see (after only one was recorded here last year). A Fulmar and seven Shelduck flew west and a Common Scoter flew east. A breeding plumage Dunlin was on the beach.
Two Large White butterflies were by the Obs. After a cold month, our total of butterfly species is only five.
29th – cloudy with a moderate SW wind. Eight cold days had passed since our last additions to the year list. However, a change in wind direction brought a change in fortunes. Firstly, a Common Sandpiper was on the beach, a smart male Ring Ousel dropped into a bush along the coastal path, fed along the path for some time, but then disappeared unseen. Our third addition was a Cuckoo which flew west close by the Obs later in the morning. The breeding plumage Little Grebe was still in the brook and six Shelduck flew west. Vis mig included one Stock Dove, six Swifts, two Sand Martins, 14 Swallows, two House Martins, four Yellow Wagtails, ten Goldfinches and three Siskins. A male Stonechat appeared on the shingle ridge mid-morning soon relocating to the scrub.
28th – sunny, moderate westerly wind but remaining cool. A Little Grebe in breeding plumage in Coot Strait was unexpected after the last wintering bird was seen over a month earlier. A Whimbrel was lingering around the beach early morning and four flew west later. There was one Sanderling on the beach. A Buzzard was seen hovering high to the SE before plummeting towards the ground. 50 Yellow Wagtails, including one party of 19 birds, flew west early morning and other vis mig included four Swifts, five Sand Martins, 12 Swallows, two House Martins, 66 Goldfinches and 21 Linnets. A Lesser Whitethroat continues to sing by the Obs and a Willow Warbler was along the east bank.
27th – Sunny with a fresh NW wind ans still cool. Two Shelduck and two Whimbrel flew west, eight Common Gulls (including one adult) flew west, two adult Mediterranean Gulls flew high to the east and there were 114 Turnstones gathering on the beach on the incoming tide. Vis mig included five Swallows, nine Yellow Wagtails, nine Goldfinches, two Siskins and 12 Linnets. A Lesser Whitethroat and a Willow Warbler were singing by the Obs. Three Common Whitethroats were in song.
One Small White was seen.
26th – sunny with a cold NW wind. A Fulmar flew west low over the Obs, a Sandwich Tern and a Common Tern flew west and three Mediterranean Gulls flew east. Vis mig included 24 Swallows, a House Martin and 18 Yellow Wagtails flying west.
25th – cloudy, a light to moderate NW-W wind and cool again! There was one Great Crested Grebe on the sea, a female Marsh Harrier flew west at 6.55 am and four Shelduck, 15 Common Scoters , two first-summer Mediterranean Gulls and two first-summer Common Gulls also flew west. There were two Dunlin on the beach and a single Whimbrel flew west. Vis mig included 21 Swallows, 19 House Martins, 80 Yellow Wagtails, three Pied Wagtails, an adult Rook, 71 Goldfinches and 30 Linnets flying west. The Lesser Whitethroat was singing again by the Obs and another was in the scrub. Although still cool it seems that the westerly element to the wind encouraged more movement.
23rd – sunny with a fresh northerly wind and continuing cool. Another very quiet day in the unseasonal conditions. There were two Little Egrets in the brook below the sluice. Four Common Terns flew east and four were feeding off the Tankerton slopes. A Willow Warbler was singing in the Wood.
21st – sunny, moderate NE wind and cool. There was one Great Crested Grebe on the sea, three Arctic Terns flew east at 7.17 am (a new species for the year) and a single Sandwich Tern also flew east. Three Whimbrel with one Bar-tailed Godwit flew east along the shoreline. A Lesser Whitethroat was singing in the bushes opposite the Obs and then behind the Obs and was another addition to the year list. A Jay was in the sewage works.
18th – sunny with a light westerly wind. A Great Crested Grebe flew east close inshore, two Little Egrets flew west low over the sea (another was seen over the beach), two Sparrowhawks flew west together over the sea, two Mediterranean Gulls flew west and two Sandwich Terns flew east. Vis mig included one Skylark, six Sand Martins, 17 Swallows, six House Martins, nine Yellow Wagtails, two Pied Wagtails, 71 Goldfinches and 23 Linnets heading west. A female Wheatear was on the shingle ridge and a Green Woodpecker was heard calling from the sewage works.
17th – sunny with a moderate but slackening NW wind. There were two Great Crested Grebes on the sea. A flock of 225 Turnstones were roosting on the eastern end of the beach between the groynes and a single Dunlin accompanied them. There were two Redshanks on the Marsh Pool and two adult Mediterranean Gulls flew west. Vis mig included 19 Swallows, six House Martins, four Yellow Wagtails, two Rooks, 12 Goldfinches and 22 Linnets heading west.
16th – a change in the weather with cloud, NW wind and cool. Our first Whimbrel of the year was on the beach with a Curlew but both flew off west with the incoming tide. The feature of the morning was the movement of Yellow Wagtails, sometimes in groups of ten or more, and totalling 147 by the end of the morning. There were several groups of Alba Wagtails, good numbers of Goldfinches, Linnets and Meadow Pipits and a single Tree Pipit. Hirundines trickled through against the cold NW wind and included 57 House Martins. Also heading west was a second Whimbrel, a Swift and the presumably lingering Great Northern Diver.
15th – sunny periods and showers with a SW wind. Another quiet start to the morning with a trickle of hirundines, all three species, Yellow and alba Wagtails, Goldfinches and Linnets. However, there was a surprise in the form of a Swift which flew west at 10.30 am (our earliest ever here by two days). This was followed by our first Common Tern of the year which flew west five minutes later. A Nightingale, presumably yesterday’s bird, was heard, and seen well briefly, in the scrub to the west of Lang Court.
14th – sunny and calm. A quiet morning with only a trickle of hirundines and two Black-tailed Godwits which flew west. Late morning, a Nightingale was heard singing within the sewage works by the skate park. A rare bird here and our first since April 2008.
12th – sunny, calm then light southerly wind. There were ten Shelduck (six flying east, two west, two offshore) and three Little Egrets on the beach. A breeding plumage Dunlin and six Redshanks were also on the beach. Six Sand Martins, four Swallows and a Yellow Wagtail were seen, a Wheatear was on the shingle ridge whilst three Whitethroats in the scrub were new for the year. There were also four Willow Warblers and two male Reed Buntings.
11th – sunny with a light to moderate easterly wind and a bit warmer. A single Great Crested Grebe was on the sea, two Shelduck flew east, a female Pintail circled around close inshore and landed on the beach by the Obs and a flock of 11 Common Scoters landed on the sea. There were two Brent Geese on the beach and a Grey Heron was in the middle brook. Two Sand Martins flew east, two Swallows were around and a male Wheatear in a bush by the coastal path relocated to the scrub.
10th – a morning dominated by raptors. In addition to the local Kestrels and a Sparrowhawk, three distant Buzzards and a Peregrine, a second, or second sighting of, a female Merlin was enjoyed as it dashed over the rooftops in pursuit of passing passerines. Finally, an odd mid-sized raptor circling beyons the caravan park turned out to be a Harris Hawk complete with jesses. Two Brent Geese were also on the beach.
9th – cloudy with light rain from 9 am. Light southerly winds. A single Great Crested Grebe was on the sea, a Fulmar, possibly more than one, flew west and east, a Grey Heron, a pair of Pintail and two adult Mediterranean Gulls flew west whilst pride of place went to an Osprey which flew west in the murk at 10.55 am. Vis mig included 33 Sand Martins, 20 Swallows, five House Martins (lingering over the area) and eight Siskins. There was also a movement of Linnets and Willow Warblers sang by the Obs and in the scrub.
8th – sunny and calm then light northerly wind. A male Great Spotted Woodpecker flew across the sewage works and landed in trees outside the NW corner (our first of the year). A Fulmar, three Shelduck, a Great Northern Diver, a Bar-tailed Godwit and our first Green Sandpiper of the year flew west. A single Brent Goose was on the beach by the Obs and three Mute Swans (a pair and an immature) flew west over the area. . Vis mig included a Skylark, c20 Sand Martins, eight Swallows, one House Martin and two Redpolls flying west. There were two Willow Warblers at the Obs.
6th – cloudy with a moderate SW wind and a shower. A Great Northern Diver, close inshore, drifted east and was our latest record of this species. There was single Great Crested Grebe on the sea and a single Brent Goose and Shelduck flew west. A female Merlin, spotted low over the sea with prey (likely a hapless migrant passerine), was our first of the year. Other raptors included a female Marsh Harrier flying west over the sea, a Buzzard south over the estate and a male Kestrel. Three Avocets flew west along the shoreline, eight Curlews flew west and there was a gathering of 210 Turnstones on the beach at high tide (the highest count this year). Vis mig included 56 Woodpigeons, seven Sand Martins, 12 Swallows, four House Martins, two Yellow Wagtails and a Redpoll, all heading west. There were two Siskins in the pines at Lang Court that flew off west early morning.
5th – sunny with a light NW wind. A single Great Crested Grebe was on the sea, two Little Egrets flew west over the sea and a party of four west over the estate. Three Greylag Geese were followed by a party of seven which flew east then soon returned west, a pair of Gadwall flew east close inshore, a Peregrine flew west low over the sea and two Sandwich Terns flew east. A Little Ringed Plover was heard calling overhead but was not seen – our first of the year after a blank year in 2015. 63 Turnstones gathered on the beach at high tide and were joined by two Dunlin. Vis mig included 85 Woodpigeons and a singel Stock Dove , 13 Sand Martins, 14 Swallows and 41 Goldfinches west and two Yellow Wagtails, new for the year, and one of which landed on the beach. A Blackcap was singing by the Obs, two Willow Warblers included one singing near the Obs and a single Redpoll flew south over the east bank, another addition to the year list.
4th – Ted Lee had two adult Mediterranean Gulls fly east, a male Wheatear on the coastal path and a Willow Warbler singing in the churchyard. Andy also made a brief, and rare, afternoon visit. In addition to the male Wheatear and a dozen Swallows, he saw a female Marsh Harrier and our first House Martin of the year, in flight over the football pitch.
3rd – a quiet morning with the occasional Sand Martin accompanied by the songs of Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler. However, a Green Woodpecker calling and showing briefly on the football pitch, was an addition to the year list.
2nd – a pleasant Spring morning. An adult Gannet flew east, four Mute Swans flew west, three Greylag Geese flew south over the caravan park, a pair of Mediterranean Gulls flew west and four Sandwich Terns flew east close inshore. A Little Egret and a Grey Heron were at the mouth of the brook. A trickle of Sand Martins and six Swallows flew through and four Rooks circled over the area before joining the crows on the beach. A Willow Warbler was in the bluethroat bush.
Our first butterflies since February; Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock and Large White.
1st – sunny with a light SE wind. There were six Great Crested Grebes on the sea, a single Shelduck circled over the area and a flock of ten flew west, two adult Mediterranean Gulls flew west and a Sandwich Tern, our first of the year, flew east at 7.15 am. There were three Brent Geese and 15 Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs and 60 Turnstones appeared at high tide. A single Swallow circled over the Wood and the entrance to the sewage works, two Chiffchaffs were in song including a migrant in the bluethroat bush and a Rook flew west.
Swalecliffe March 2016
102 species for the year
93 species by this time last year
The total of 83 species for the month was just about average with no surprises. Four summer visitors, Sand Martin and Swallow, Wheatear and Willow Warbler made it before the end of the month. The total for the first quarter of 102 species, though nine better than the poorest last year, is still below the average of 103.2 for the previous ten years.
31st – sunny with a light northerly wind and cool. There were three Brent Geese on the beach, a Little Egret flew east and a pair of Shelduck flew west. A Buzzard flew west over the sewage works and a Sparrowhawk and a pair of Kestrels were also seen. Again there were 16 Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs. Two Sand Martins flew north and a Swallow flew west. A Willow Warbler in the Bluethroat bush, at first quiet but later heard to sing, was our first of the year. An adult Rook flew west over the area and there were three Pied Wagtails on a deserted, early morning, skate park.
29th – sunny with a moderate SW wind. Single Red-throated Diver and Great Crested Grebe were offshore. There were eight Brent Geese on the beach and a Greylag Goose flew south over the area. Four Shelduck and three adult Mediterranean Gulls flew west and there were 16 Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs on the outgoing tide. A flock of ten Sand Martins and single Swallow flew west and a party of 17 Fieldfares flew west high over the upper brook and Brook Road. A male Stonechat was by the Obs and a male Blackcap, seen by the Scout Hut and later singing briefly at the Obs, was our first since January 1st! A Chiffchaff was along the upper brook and another sang by the Obs. Five Goldfinches and a male Reed Bunting flew west.
26th – cloudy with a fresh SW wind. A Wheatear, on the path by the skate park early morning, was new for the year but soon disappeared. There were three Great Crested Grebes offshore and 28 Brent Geese on the beach. 19 Sanderlings were on the beach by the Obs on the incoming tide and were joined by an Avocet that lingered in the shallows for some time. An adult Mediterranean Gull flew west along the shoreline whilst, further out to sea, a party of eight Kittiwakes flew east. An adult breeding plumage Little Grebe was in brook below the sluice. The pair of Kestrels were seen to investigate the nest box on top of the marsh pole. Vis mig included one Sand Martin, four Swallows and 43 Goldfinches flying west.
25th – cloudy with light rain at first then sunny with a light NW wind. There were two Great Crested Grebes on the sea and 28 Brent Geese on the beach. Two Marsh Harriers flew west less than ten minutes apart. A Snipe was in the Marsh Pool and ten Sanderlings were on the beach by the Obs on the incoming tide. An immature male and a female Kestrel were hunting over the area. A Redwing was resting in the bushes along the east bank, Chiffchaffs were singing in the Scout wood and by the Obs and two Long-tailed Tits were in the Wood. In addition to the male Reed Bunting holding territory there were three, a male and two females in the bushes opposite the Obs.
23rd – cloudy with a light NW wind. One Red-throated Diver, five Great Crested Grebes and a female Red-breasted Merganser were on the sea. A Little Egret flew south over the area, a Grey Heron flew west and another was on the tidal ponds. Waders included a Bar-tailed Godwit on the shoreline by the skate park and another which flew west, 76 Golden Plovers roosting on the beach and 15 Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs. Also a Snipe was flushed from the scrub. There were only seven Brent Geese on the beach. A flock of 20 Redwings flew west low over the football pitch but the bird of the day was our first Yellowhammer, a male in the bushes opposite the Obs, which flew off west.
21st – cloudy at first then sunny with a light NW wind and milder. There was a Red-throated Diver and two Great Crested Grebe on the sea whilst an adult Gannet offshore was the first seen for a month. A single Greylag Goose and a party of three flew east then four flew west and five Canada Geese, our first of the year, flew east the returned west not long after. Two distant flocks of ducks flew east at least some of which were drake Wigeon. A Grey Heron and a Little Egret were fishing in the pool by the outlet pipe and two more egrets were on the beach. Waders on the beach included 45 Oystercatchers on the incoming tide, 70 Golden Plovers flying west and a Bar-tailed Godwit, with traces of red speckling on the breast, on the beach by the skate park. One adult Mediterranean Gull flew east. Two Sparrowhawks were displaying to the south of the estate, a Buzzard circled to the SE of the caravan park, three Kestrels were seen and a Peregrine was on the mast of Hampton Pier. An adult Rook came north over the area and landed on the shingle ridge. The male Reed Bunting was still holding territory and a female was in the bushes opposite the Obs.
19th – cloudy, moderate NE winds and showers, cold. Four Red-throated Divers and a Great Crested Grebe flew east. There were c200 Brent Geese in a flock that rose up from the fields beyond the caravan park. 30 Sanderlings were between the groynes at the eastern end of the beach. A summer plumage Little Grebe as in the brook below the sluice. One Jay was along the upper brook and the male Reed Bunting continues to hold territory.
17th – sunny with a moderate NE wind and cool. One Red-throated Diver flew east, single Shelducks flew east and west and a Gadwall flew SE over the area. There were 92 Brent Geese and 36 Sanderlings (highest winter count) on the beach by the Obs. Two Siskins that circled around Lang Court and then flew east were new for the year. A male Stonechat (presumed migrant) was in the scrub and the male Reed Bunting continues to hold territory.
16th – cloudy with a moderate NE wind and cool. One Great Crested Grebe flew east and there were 39 Brent Geese, 31 Sanderlings and eight Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach by the Obs. A Kestrel, hunting over the area during the morning, was the first seen this month. The pair of Long-tailed Tits were in the Wood and a Reed Bunting was singing near the Marsh Pool.
14th – cloudy with a fresh NE wind and cold. Three Great Crested Grebes were on the sea and 27 Brent Geese and 33 Sanderlings were on the beach by the Obs. There was also one Grey Plover on the beach.
12th – fog lingered all morning. A Little Egret appeared on the Marsh Pool and a Grey Heron was seen on the beach on the incoming tide. Two Brent Geese and seven Sanderlings were on the beach by the Obs. A Chiffchaff was singing in the Wood.
10th – sunny with a light NE wind. There were four Great Crested Grebes and a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers on the sea and ten Brent Geese and 15 Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs. The low tide roost of Golden Plovers numbered 168 and a single Grey Plover was also on the beach. A Little Egret was on the tidal ponds. An adult Mediterranean Gull flew west over the area calling constantly. A Sparrowhawk soared over the football pitch and a Peregrine flew west over the estate. The Short-eared Owl was again hunting over the grassland where a Skylark could be heard giving snatches of its song. The female Stonechat was in the scrub. A Chiffchaff and two Long-tailed Tits were in the Wood where a Redwing, only our second this year, was also lurking. Five Linnets were in the scrub and a male Reed Bunting was seen in flight over the grassland.
The brook, where it flows behind the shingle ridge, has for some time been increasingly narrowed by shingle from the ridge falling into it. This has caused some flooding back creating a much wider and fuller brook. However, the brook’s traditional exit to the sea has now been fully blocked and it has now cut through the shingle ridge towards the eastern end of the beach. The flow is now much faster than of late and, as a result, the brook is holding much less water. After a failed attempt by the Environment Agency to redirect the brook in this way two years ago (it lasted only three days), it will be interesting to see whether nature will fare any better!
7th – sunny with a moderate NW wind and cold. One Red-throated Diver was offshore and a Great Crested Grebe flew east. There were 80 Brent Geese on the beach by the Obs. Four adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls flew east. A Little Grebe was along the middle brook. An adult Rook joined other crows on the shingle ridge and a male Reed Bunting sang fitfully in the scrub.
5th – sunny at first with a light NW wind then cloudy with a moderate NW wind and rain from 11 am. There were three Great Crested Grebes, an immature drake Eider and a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers on the sea. A Short-eared Owl was hunting over the area, a Skylark flew west over the Obs, the female Stonechat was in the scrub and a Chiffchaff was along the upper brook.
3rd – cloudy with a strong NW wind moderating during the morning. A drake Pintail flew west and three Wigeon (two immature drakes and a duck) came in from the east and settled on the shoreline by the Obs. A Shelduck and two Common Scoters also flew west. Two Great Crested Grebes were on the sea, there were 27 Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs and a first-winter Mediterranean Gull drifted west. Two Little Grebes were in the brook and the female Stonechat was still present.
2nd – cloudy with a fresh SW wind and cold. There were c10 Red-throated Divers offshore and two Great Crested Grebes and a Shelduck flew west. A female Marsh Harrier, which flew west at 8 am, started a good raptor morning with a Sparrowhawk south over the area, a Buzzard south of the estate and a Peregrine flying west low over the sea. Waders included 29 Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs, three Grey Plovers and eight Bar-tailed Godwits on Hampton flats; the highest count this winter. Four Stock Doves flew west, the female Stonechat was near the Obs, and two Long-tailed Tits roamed between the Obs and the churchyard.
Swalecliffe February 2016
95 species recorded so far this year
91 species recorded by the same time last year
The total of 76 species during the month was just below an average of 77.3 over the previous ten years though well behind the best year when there were 91 species in 2012. Eight additions to the year list, nothing significant, increases the lead over last year to four species. March last year was a particularly poor one and so we might hope extend that lead by the end of the month.
29th – cloudy, moderate NE wind and cold. Two Red-throated Divers and a Great Crested Grebe were offshore. 33 Sanderlings were on the beach by the Obs and two Bar-tailed Godwits were on Hampton flats. A Short-eared Owl was hunting over the grassland, the female Stonechat was in the scrub, there were two Long-tailed Tits in the Wood and two Jays in the sewage works.
27th – cloudy, moderate NW wind and cold. There were three Great Crested Grebes, one immature Eider and two pairs of Red-breasted Mergansers offshore and two Shelduck, on Hampton flats, flew off west. 15 Sanderlings were on the beach by the Obs. A single adult Kittiwake flew east close inshore followed later by seven more adults. The female Stonechat was still present and four Linnets were in the scrub.
26th – sunny with a light SE wind and frost. There were five Great Crested Grebes, the two immature male Eiders and nine Red-breasted Mergansers offshore and 79 Red-throated Divers flew west and others were on the sea. Waders included 63 Oystercatchers on the beach on the incoming tide, 230 Golden Plovers on the beach at low tide, 27 Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs on the incoming tide, a Lapwing on the beach and a Grey Plover and two Bar-tailed Godwits on Hampton flats. Two Common Buzzards circled low to the south beyond the estate and a Marsh Harrier flew south. The female Stonechat was in the scrub, a Chiffchaff showed well at Lang Court whilst an adult Rook which flew SE over the beach was an addition to the year list.
It was sunny but not warm but we nevertheless saw our first butterfly of the year, a Small Tortoiseshell by the Obs.
25th – sunny with a light NW wind and cold. A single Great Crested Grebe was on the sea, two immature male Eiders remained by the tidal ponds all morning and a drake Red-breasted Merganser was also on the sea. 14 Sanderlings were on the beach by the Obs and a Bar-tailed Godwit was on the Hampton flats. A Little Egret was on the beach and, later, one flew upstream along the brook. A Little Grebe was in the lower brook. A Short-eared Owl was hunting over the area and two Long-tailed Tits were along the east bank.
24th – sunny, frosty, calm and cold. There were 26 Red-throated Divers on the sea, whilst others flew west or east, and five Red-breasted Mergansers (three drakes and two ducks). There were 24 Sanderlings on the beach. Two Short-eared Owls were seen during the course of the morning. A Goldcrest was in the churchyard, a Chiffchaff along the upper brook and the pair of Stonechats also made an appearance. Later, a Peregrine circled the estate and drifted east, four Common Buzzards could be seen circling with gulls beyond the caravan park and a Sparrowhawk drifted over the roof tops – a veritable raptor fest!
23rd – cloudy, light NW wind and cold. There were c10 Red-throated Divers and two Great Crested Grebes offshore, two Shelduck and a pair of Teal flew west. There were 630 Golden Plovers on the beach at low tide, 34 Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs on the incoming tide, three Lapwings on the beach, 28 Redshanks on the Marsh Pool at high tide and two Bar-tailed Godwits flew west close inshore. One Guillemot flew east. Four Pied Wagtails flew west together along the beach and a Grey Wagtail was in flight over the sewage works. Four Long-tailed Tits were along the upper brook, four Linnets were on the shingle ridge and a Reed Bunting flew west by the Obs.
20th – cloudy with a moderate SW wind and mild. A single Great Crested Grebe on the sea, two Gannets flew east but a Tufted Duck, which flew east at 10.05 am, was the first here this year. Waders included 57 Oystercatchers at high tide, 27 Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs, 100 Dunlin and two Lapwings on the beach. An adult Mediterranean Gull was on the beach by the Obs. Three Little Grebes included one now in breeding plumage. A Peregrine flew west by the Obs. The male Stonechat was at the eastern end of the beach, a Chiffchaff was calling at Lang Court and three Linnets were by the sluice.
A Weasel, which typically was seen as it crossed the path by the Obs, was the first of the year.
19th – sunny, calm with a frost and the Obs Pool frozen. There were c10 Red-throated Divers but only one Great Crested Grebe offshore. Waders at high tide included 55 Oystercatchers, joined by a single Bar-tailed Godwit, 45 Ringed Plovers and 123 Dunlin. It was a good raptor day with an exceptional six Marsh Harriers – five flying west over the sea and one circling to the south of the caravan park – and single Buzzard and Kestrel. The pair of Stonechats were in the grassland beyond the scrub.
17th – good numbers of Red-throated Divers , 12+ Great Crested Grebes and two drakes and a duck Red-breasted Merganser offshore and four Shelduck flew west. A Chiffchaff was along the upper brook.
15th – sunny periods, fresh northerly wind and cold. Three Shelduck and two Common Scoters flew west and four Gannets were present distantly offshore. There were 15 Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs. Six Lesser Black-backed Gulls and three adult Kittiwakes flew west. A Skylark could be seen, but not heard, in song-flight beyond the caravan park. There were two Long-tailed Tits in the Wood and a Jay by the sewage works entrance.
The shingle ridge has been getting progressively thinner towards the eastern end and now much of the shingle has fallen into the brook reducing the flow to a trickle and causing water to back up, bursting the banks of the brook and flooding into the marsh. The Environment Agency has inspected the site and Southern Water has commissioned an “impact” survey. We spoke to the two people conducting the survey, told them about this website but were amazed when they said that the BTO had told them they had no information about the site. The BTO has thousands and thousands of entries for Swalecliffe going back to 2007!
13th – cloudy with a moderate SE wind, cold and with steady rain. There were nine Great Crested Grebes and a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. A single Little Egret was on the beach and waders included 380 Golden Plovers on the beach, 21 Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs and a Grey Plover and three Bar-tailed Godwits on Hampton flats. A Common Buzzard, our first of the year, circled low over the fields behind the caravan park before drifting off SW. The male Stonechat was in the marsh and three Jays were together by the sewage works entrance. Finally, a party of seven Kittiwakes, including one immature, flew east close inshore at 11.20 am.
12th – sunny at first but clouding over. There were three Little Egrets on the shoreline, a Grey Heron was on the tidal ponds, 19 Sanderlings were present and three Bar-tailed Godwits were on the Hampton flats. An adult Marsh Harrier flew west over the grassland, the male Stonechat was near the caravan park, a Goldcrest in the churchyard and a Chiffchaff was singing behind the skate park. A Short-eared Owl was flying high heading NE but was it one of our birds finally departing?
11th – sunny, calm and cold (o.5 degrees C on arrival). There were 13 Red-throated Divers, eight Great Crested Grebes and three Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. A Grey Heron was on the tidal ponds. Waders included 300 Golden Plovers on the beach which flew off west, a single Grey Plover, five Lapwings and three Bar-tailed Godwits on Hampton flats but just seven Sanderlings on the beach. A Chiffchaff was in sub-song at Lang Court and a male Reed Bunting was in the bushes opposite the Obs.
10th – cloudy with a SW wind. An immature female Marsh Harrier flew west at 9.15 am. Large numbers of Cormorants, a few Gannets and Red-throated Divers, Great Crested Grebes and Red-breasted Mergansers were noted offshore. 32 Sanderlings were present on the beach.
9th – cloudy and calm with light rain. There were 12 Great Crested Grebes on the sea including a pair displaying. Only one Red-throated Diver flew east and two Shelduck flew west. A Little Egret was on the Obs Pool, a Grey Heron at the mouth of the brook and two Little Grebes were in the brook below the sluice. Waders included 30 Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs, two Grey Plovers and a Bar-tailed Godwit on Hampton flats, a Snipe and five Redshanks on the Marsh Pool and 48 Oystercatchers gathering on the incoming tide. A Short-eared Owl flew across the marsh. Our first sighting of the month although dog walkers continued to report sightings in the late afternoon. A Grey Wagtail, which came out of the sewage works and dropped into the brook above the sluice, was also our first of the month. A male beginning to gain its breeding plumage with black spotting on the throat and quite yellow underneath. The male Stonechat was near the Obs Pool and two Linnets were in the scrub.
7th – a bright sunny morning. There were many Red-throated Divers, up to 12 Great Crested Grebes and a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers were joined by a displaying male. Two pairs of Shelduck flew west and a Guillemot appeared amongst a group of Great Crested Grebes showing briefly but well; another addition to the year list. There were 13 Sanderlings on the beach. The pair of Stonechats were present, a party of Long-tailed Tits and a Goldcrest were in the churchyard and a Sparrowhawk flew along the east bank
6th – cloudy, fresh to strong southerly wind, mild. A drake Red-breasted Merganser was offshore and a Little Grebe and a Little Egret were in the brook. There were 26 Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs , a Grey Plover was on the beach and there were 105 Dunlin on the beach at high tide. Four Lapwings were over the Marsh Pool but wader of the day was a Black-tailed Godwit which flew west over the sea; an addition to the year list. Two adults and an immature Mute Swan, which flew east over the area, were another addition to the year list. The male Stonechat was in the scrub and a Chiffchaff was heard calling by the Obs.
5th – cloudy with a moderate SW wind and mild again. 13 Red-throated Divers, seven Great Crested Grebes and a drake Red-breasted Merganser were offshore, 15 Shelduck and a Marsh Harrier flew west and 50 Gannets flew east. A flock of 32 Sanderlings gathered on the beach by the Obs as the tide fell and was the highest count here since February 2012. Other waders included a single Lapwing flying west over the sea, 81 Dunlin on the beach and c50 Curlews in flight beyond the caravan park. An adult Mediterranean Gull was offshore. A single Skylark flew west over the sea, the pair of Stonechats were at the eastern end of the beach, a Goldcrest was in the churchyard, two Long-tailed Tits along the east bank and a flock of ten Goldfinches were near the sewage works entrance.
3rd – Sunny at times with a fresh WNW wind and cooler. Large numbers of Cormorants were drifting west offshore totalling c1,030. Seven Great Crested Grebes and six Gannets were offshore, six Shelduck and two Kittiwakes flew west and a Great Skua was seen offshore amongst a flock of feeding gulls. 18 Sanderlings were on the beach by the Obs. Two Stock Doves flew west over the beach and a Skylark came in from the east and landed in the grassland before returning in that direction shortly afterwards; both were additions to the year list. A Chiffchaff was heard calling at Lang Court.
1st – cloudy and mild with a fresh SW wind. Three Red-throated Divers, a single Great Crested Grebe and about six Gannets were offshore. Three Shelduck flew west and a flock of 22 Pintail flew east. Waders included c170 Golden Plovers flying west, a Grey Plover and seven Lapwings on the beach, 11 Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs and three Bar-tailed Godwits on Hampton Flats. An adult Lesser Black-backed Gull was on the beach and an adult Mediterranean Gull flew west over the football pitch. The pair of Stonechats were at the eastern end of the beach.
January 2016
January 2016
87 species recorded so far this year
85 species recorded by this time last year
The total of 87 species was two more than in January 2015 but only just above the average of 86.3 for the last ten years. The most significant birds for the year list will probably be the drake Mandarin (only the fourth record) and the male Bullfinch. Other good birds included Great Northern Diver, Slavonian Grebe, Shag White-fronted Goose, five Avocets, Great Skuas and the wintering Short-eared Owls. Not bad considering the mild weather through most of the month.
31st – cloudy with a light SW wind. Six Great Crested Grebes and a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore, 122 Brent Geese were on the beach and waders included two Grey Plovers, nine Lapwings and nine Sanderlings. Three Greylag Geese, which circled above the churchyard, were the first of the year. A Chiffchaff was seen at Lang Court.
Andy popped down in the afternoon and was rewarded with an adult Shag, which flew west at 2.30 pm. Later, it was seen on the sea off the Tankerton Sailing Club drifting back east.
30th – cloudy, moderate NW wind. There were five Great Crested Grebes offshore, two Gannets flew east, four Shelduck and a pair of Pintail flew west. There were 150 Brent Geese on the beach by the Obs but only one juvenile. Waders included one Grey Plover and two Bar-tailed Godwits on Hampton flats whilst a flock of 40 Lapwings flew west over the sea and another nine were on the beach. Two Little Grebes were along Coot Strait. A Short-eared Owl was resting in the marsh and later hunting over the area. A Stonechat was in the grassland, a Long-tailed Tit in the churchyard, there were two Jays seen and two Linnets in the scrub.
28th – sunny with a light SW wind. There were 10+ Red-throated Divers, eight Great Crested Grebes, the immature drake Eider and three Red-breasted Mergansers offshore. Waders included 670 Golden Plovers on the beach at low tide (the highest count so far this winter), a Grey Plover on and eight Lapwings on the beach. A single Sanderling flew west. There was also a flock of 11 Meadow Pipits on the beach at the eastern end between the groynes. A Short-eared Owl was hunting over the area, the male Stonechat was near the Obs and three Long-tailed Tits were by the Scout Hut.
26th – sunny, moderate SW wind and continuing mild. A Great Northern Diver showed well close inshore from the Obs. Six Gadwall and a pair of Shoveler (new for the year) came in from the east and landed on the sea. The immature drake Eider and seven Red-breasted Mergansers were also offshore. Ten Lapwings were over the Marsh Pool, the male Stonechat was in the grassland and a single Linnet was seen.
25th – sunny with a light to moderate SW wind and mild. Four Shelduck flew west and the immature drake Eider and four Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore. A party of 16 White-fronted Geese flew east over the sea at 11.45 am; a useful addition to the year list. Waders included 12 Lapwings – five flew west and seven were over the Marsh Pool – and two Bar-tailed Godwits on Hampton Flats. The male Stonechat was seen, a Goldcrest near the Scout Hut flew towards the churchyard, five Linnets were in the scrub and a Reed Bunting‘s brief appearance in the bushes opposite the Obs was another addition to the year list.
23rd – sunny with a light SW wind and milder. There were 12 Great Crested Grebes offshore, whilst ten Red-breasted Mergansers (including eight drakes) was the highest count of the winter so far, and the immature drake Eider was still present. There were 65 Ringed Plovers on the beach at high tide, and a single Sanderling. A Little Grebe was in the middle brook but more surprising was a Water Rail (possibly arrived during the recent cold weather). The male Stonechat was in the grassland, a Chiffchaff along the east bank, a Goldcrest, three Long-tailed Tits near the Scout Hut and 15 Linnets were feeding around the sluice area.
A Water Vole in the middle brook was the first to be seen here this year.
21st – sunny and calm then a light SE wind. Four Shelduck flew west and there were c20 Great Crested Grebes, a drake Wigeon, the immature drake Eider, a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers and an adult Gannet offshore. Waders included two Grey Plovers and three Sanderlings on the beach and two Lapwings on the frozen Marsh Pool. Three Little Egrets flew south from the beach and the brook behind the shingle ridge and two Little Grebes were in the middle brook. The pair of Stonechats were in the scrub, one Long-tailed Tit was at the Obs and a late arrival was a Fieldfare which dropped in by the wooden bridge at 12.38 pm.
19th – sunny and calm but very cold (-2 degrees C on arrival). The Marsh and the Obs Pools were frozen and the brook partly so. 28 Red-throated Divers flew east, a pair of Gadwall flew west and seven Great Crested Grebes and the immature drake Eider were offshore. Three pairs of Mallard rested on the beach. A party of five Avocets, which flew west low over the sea, were an addition to the year list and three Grey Plovers were on the beach. Two Short-eared Owls were hunting over the area, one of which was later resting in the marsh. The pair of Stonechats were in the grassland, a Goldcrest was along the upper brook and a party of seven Long-tailed Tits appeared at the Obs.
18th – sunny with a light SE wind. Two Shelduck flew west and, in addition to an immature drake Eider near the tidal ponds, a group of four, three adult drakes and a duck, were drifting east on the sea. Waders included seven Lapwings flying west over the sea, two Grey Plovers and a Bar-tailed Godwit on the Hampton flats, and a Snipe in flight over the area. A Grey Heron, possibly disturbed from the Marsh Pool, flew low over the area and over the sewage works (our first record since New Year’s Day). One Short-eared Owl was hunting over the area and resting on the Marsh Pool, the pair of Stonechats were seen and a Goldcrest was in the churchyard.
16th – sunny, a moderate NW wind dropping, cold. A very quiet morning. Four Great Crested Grebes flew east. Waders included eight Sanderlings on the beach by the Obs and a Grey Plover. Five Little Gulls flew west. One Short-eared Owl was hunting over the area and also resting in the marsh. The male Stonechat was along the coastal path.
14th – sunny with a moderate westerly wind. Six Shelduck flew west and a drake Red-breasted Merganser was present offshore. Waders included our first two Knot of the year, which flew west over the sea, 420 Golden Plovers on the beach, and single Grey Plover, Sanderling and Bar-tailed Godwit. A Great Skua was seen distantly offshore. The pair of Stonechats were in the grassland, two Long-tailed Tits in the wood and four Linnets were over the shingle ridge.
12th – sunny with a moderate but variable SW-NW wind. Three Red-throated Divers and three Great Crested Grebes were offshore, an adult Gannet and 12 Shelduck flew west, a redhead Red-breasted Merganser flew east and a duck Teal was on the sea by the tidal ponds and later flew by the Obs. Waders included 430 Golden Plovers on the beach at low tide, three Grey Plovers and 60 Oystercatchers on the shingle ridge at high tide. There were two Great Skuas distantly offshore. A Chiffchaff was heard calling at Lang Court.
9th – sunny with a light SW wind. The bird of the day was a Slavonian Grebe which, although it was quite close inshore, disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Other birds offshore included 5+ Red-throated Divers, 10+ Gannets, the immature drake Eider and three Red-breasted Mergansers whilst three Gadwall and two Common Scoters flew west. Waders included two Grey Plovers and a Bar-tailed Godwit. One Short-eared Owl was seen, the pair of Stonechats were along the coastal path and a Goldcrest also made an appearance. The intinerant flock of Linnets (ten bird on this occasion) were seen on the shingle ridge.
8th – sunny with a light southerly wind. Perhaps surprisingly, a good morning. An immature Marsh Harrier flew west over the sea, an adult Shag flew east close inshore and a Great Northern Diver, on the sea off the Obs, flew off east. A Kingfisher by the Obs was our first this year and, most surprising of all, a male Bullfinch flew along the east bank and into the sewage works (our first for three years). Other birds noted included an adult Gannet, an immature drake Eider and a drake Red-breasted Merganser offshore and two Shelduck west. Waders included 62 Ringed Plovers, a Grey Plover and 100 Dunlin roosting at high tide, eight Lapwings flying west low over the sea and 13 Sanderlings. A Short-eared Owl was hunting over the grassland, a Grey Wagtail flew over the skate park, the pair of Stonechats was on the coastal path, Chiffchaffs were heard calling at Lang Court and the Obs, two Long-tailed Tits were along the east bank and two Jays were in the Wood.
6th – sunny and calm but mist rolling in about midday. A Fulmar flew west (new for the year), an adult Gannet was offshore and c850 Cormorants were also distantly offshore. At last a few ducks were on the move with six Shelduck, five Wigeon, seven Teal and seven Pintail all heading west. A female Eider on the sea was another addition to the year list. Some Little Gulls were amongst other gulls feeding offshore and, during the course of the morning, 19 flew west and another 32 headed SW inland. An adult Mediterranean Gull and an adult Lesser Black-backed Gull were on the sea close inshore, an adult Kittiwake flew east and a Great Skua slipped through west as the mist rolled in. Waders on the beach include three Sanderlings and 60 Dunlin. A Short-eared Owl was resting in the marsh, a male Stonechat was along the coastal path and four Long-tailed Tits were along the upper brook.
4th – mostly sunny with a light SW wind. The day started with a surprise with a drake Mandarin Duck on the Marsh Pool with the local Mallards. This is only the fourth record for the site and the first since September 2007. This may well be the bird seen on the Herne Bay Memorial Park lake on 1st. Three Shelduck flew west, waders included single Grey Plover, Sanderling and Bar-tailed Godwit, an adult Mediterranean Gull was seen offshore in a flock of fishing Black-headed Gulls and a Sparrowhawk made a couple of appearances around the churchyard and sewage works. The Short-eared Owl was hunting over the grassland and continues to ” delight” the local dog walkers and the pair of Stonechats were in the scrub. A Grey Wagtail dropped into the brook by the sluice, there were Chiffchaffs at Lang Court and at the Obs, a single Long-tailed Tit along the east bank and the roaming flock of 15 Linnets appeared by the Obs.
3rd – a brief visit by Andy revealed numbers of Red-throated Divers offshore but it was generally quiet with a Moorhen in the sewage works an addition to the year list.
2nd – Ted Lee was down this morning and noted 15 Shelduck on the beach, two Great Crested Grebes and three Gannets offshore and five Little Gulls flying west.
1st– sunny with a light SE wind and cooler. Red-throated Divers and Great Crested Grebes were present offshore, an adult and a juvenile Gannet and eight Shelduck flew west, three Common Scoters flew east and a drake Red-breasted Merganser was on the sea. Waders included 360 Golden Plovers on the beach, a single Grey Plover, a Bar-tailed Godwit on Hampton flats and seven Lapwings on the Marsh Pool. A Great Skua was seen distantly offshore chasing a gull, parties of two and four Little Gulls flew west and an adult Kittiwake flew east. A Short eared Owl was hunting over the area and resting on the margins of the Marsh Pool, the pair of Stonechats was in the scrub, a Chiffchaff was calling at Lang Court, a Goldcrest was along the east bank and, more surprisingly, a male Blackcap showed briefly in the wood. Two Long-tailed Tits and two Jays were near the sewage works entrance. The total of 58 species was the best start to the year since 2012.
December 2015
December 2015
The total of 82 species for the month was lower than any of the last ten years, which have averaged 89.3 species, with a high point of 95 in 2012. Perhaps because of the mild weather, only two species were added to the year list with Red-necked Grebe on 14th and White-fronted Goose on 28th. The wintering Short-eared Owl(s), however, provided our first December records of this species.
As for 2015 as a whole, the total of 161 species was the lowest since 2006 when only 160 species were recorded. One new species was added to the site list; the long-awaited sighting of a Wood Sandpiper in August brought the since-1990 total to 240 species. The absence of Little Ringed Plover and Green Sandpiper, recorded in all of the previous ten years, and Woodcock, seen in seven of the last ten years, contributed to a low wader total this year with only 22 species (compared with 27 in 2014). One of the highlights of the year was our fourth Yellow-browed Warbler, in October, after an absence of ten years. An elusive bird which made up for this by its extended stay. Other notable absences included Hen Harrier , after six consecutive years of being recorded, and Lapland Bunting, after eight.
31st – Arnie and Dan van Orsouw were down in the morning. They had close views of a Great Northern Diver that flew west and a party of five Eider (including three drakes), which also flew west, were the first recorded here since February. Also seen were the Short-eared Owl and a Mediterranean Gull.
29th – cloudy with a moderate SW wind. There were three Red-throated Divers and eight Great Crested Grebes, a drake Red-breasted Merganser and a Great Skua offshore and eight Gannets and 12 Shelduck flew west. Later, a redhead Red-breasted Merganser flew west and a pair of Goldeneye dozed close inshore on the incoming tide and then flew off west. Waders included 54 Oystercatchers on the incoming tide, 300 Golden Plovers on the beach at low tide, five Lapwings on the beach at high tide, three Sanderlings on the beach, a Bar-tailed Godwit on Hampton flats, and then on the beach on the incoming tide, and ten Redshanks that flew onto the Marsh Pool on the incoming tide. Numbers of Great Black-backed Gulls have returned nearer to normal with only 20 on the beach today. There were two Little Egrets and a Grey Heron on the tidal ponds and a Little Grebe in the lower brook. The Short-eared Owl is still present, as were the pair of Stonechats, a Chiffchaff calling at Lang Court and a Long-tailed Tit near the scout hut.
28th – sunny and calm at first with a brisk SE wind developing. The morning started well with a flock of 11 White-fronted Geese flying west; only our second year tick of the month. There was one Red-thoated Diver, six Great Crested Grebes and a drake Red-breasted Merganser on the sea. As the SE wind picked up, good numbers of Gannets were seen offshore, 78 Kittiwakes flew east, 10 Little Gulls flew west, there was at least four Great Skuas offshore and 18 Red-throated Divers. Also three Common Scoters and a Shelduck flew west and a Razorbill flew east. The Bar-tailed Godwit was on the Hampton flats, a Little Grebe in the brook and a Peregrine circled over the Obs.
23rd – sunny with a moderate SW wind. The exceptionally mild weather continues. Two Great Crested Grebes and a drake Red-breasted Merganser were on the sea and an adult Gannet flew west. There were eight Mallard on the pool at the mouth of the brook. A Grey Plover was on the beach, one Sanderling was with the Ringed Plovers and five Lapwings were on the Marsh Pool. Two Short-eared Owls were hunting in the grassland, the female Stonechat was by the Obs Pool and a Chiffchaff and a Long-tailed Tit were at the Obs.
21st – sunny with a moderate to fresh SW wind. Four Great Crested Grebes and three drake Red-breasted Mergansers were on the sea, two Gannets were offshore and a drake Wigeon flew west from the beach. Three Grey Plovers and four Lapwings were roosting between the groynes at high tide and a flock of 45 Lapwings flew west over the sewage works. An adult Mediterranean Gull was with Black-headed Gulls on the beach. A Little Grebe was in the brook behind the shingle ridge, one Short-eared Owl was hunting over the area and both male and female Stonechats were by the Obs Pool. Chiffchaffs were seen along the upper brook and by the Obs and two Goldcrests were in the churchyard.
20th – cloudy with a freshening southerly wind and as mild as ever. Two Red-throated Divers, four Great Crested Grebes, an adult Gannet and two drake Red-breasted Mergansers were noted offshore. Birds on the beach included three Lapwings and an adult Mediterranean Gulls. Two Short-eared Owls continue to hunt the grassland, two Little Grebes were seen in the brook above and below the sluice, a Chiffchaff was at the Obs, a Goldcrest in the churchyard and a Long-tailed Tit along the east bank.
19th – mild again and windy again. One Red-throated Diver, five Great Crested Grebes and the three drake Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore. Five adult Gannets were plunge-diving amongst the flocks of Cormorants offshore. A gathering of 77 Brent Geese on the beach included one juvenile. Two Short-eared Owls were hunting the area, one of which had a close encounter captured brilliantly in Andy’s “owl and the pitbull” photo below. A female Sparrowhawk was flying around the sewage works entrance and a fine adult male Peregrine flew by raising the spirits of observers.
18th – cloudy, mild with a moderate SW wind. The juvenile Great Northern Diver was fishing just beyond the tidal ponds and about ten Red-throated Divers were offshore. Four Great Crested Grebes and three drake Red-breasted Mergansers were on the sea. A Little Egret and a Grey Heron were on the beach. The Bar-tailed Godwit was on Hampton flats, three Snipe were flushed from the Marsh Pool and two Little Grebes were in the brook together below the sluice. One Short-eared Owl was hunting in the grassland, a Chiffchaff was at the Obs and a Long-tailed Tit in the churchyard.
17th – cloudy with a moderate SW wind. There were two Great Crested Grebes and a drake Red-breasted Merganser on the sea and two Shelduck flew west. A flock of 116 Brent Geese on the beach by the Obs contained no juveniles. There were three pairs of Mallard in the pool at the mouth of the brook and one Little Grebe in the lower brook. Waders on the beach included two Grey Plovers, a single Lapwing on the tidal ponds and a Bar-tailed Godwit on Hampton flats whilst a single Sanderling flew west along the shoreline by the obs. Two Short-eared Owls were hunting over the grassland, a Chiffchaff was along the east bank, two Long-tailed Tits were in the churchyard and a flock of 14 Linnets were on the shingle ridge.
In the churchyard, the berry-laden Holly tree, which sustained a Mistle Thrush throughout last winter, was chopped down in February. Now, the large conifers in the NW corner of the churchyard, which hosted a pair of Goldcrest in the breeding season, has now been felled. Both, apparently, at the behest of the Church’s Architects who were concerned about the undermining of the foundations but not about the water table?
16th – Ted Lee was down on his own this morning. He noted a Great Skua flying west, six Mallard, and a Goldcrest in the churchyard.
15th – cloudy, rather murky, calm then a light SW wind. A Red-throated Diver and a Tufted Duck flew west, three Great Crested Grebes were on the sea and a Little Egret was on the tidal ponds. A flock of 230 Golden Plovers was on the beach at low tide and a Bar-tailed Godwit was on Hampton flats. There were 90 Great Black-backed Gulls on the ebach and the tidal ponds and a single Lesser Black-backed Gull on the beach by the Obs. A Little Grebe was in the brook below the sluice and a Grey Wagtail was in the sewage works, later flying out to the sluice. The Short-eared Owl was hunting in the grassland, the male Stonechat was in the scrub, a Chiffchaff was calling near the skate park and a Goldcrest was in the churchyard.
14th – Cloudy with a light southerly wind. A Red-necked Grebe was a new bird for the year (after a 23-day wait). It was fairly close inshore at first but drifted out whilst still being present at the end of the morning. The slight change in the weather over the last two days seemed to encouraged some movement with included 35 Shelduck, a female Wigeon, nine Teal, a Shoveler, three Common Scoters and a pair of Red-breastedMergansers flying west. The juvenile Great Northern Diver appeared close inshore by the Obs mid-morning and appeared settled there. There were 34 Red-throated Divers flying east whilst another six at least were on the sea. Other birds on the move included a Ruff flying west, three Great Skuas flying east, with one resting for some time on the sea, and a Razorbill that flew west and later returned east. Waders on the beach included 220 Golden Plovers, a Grey Plover and a Bar-tailed Godwit. An adult Yellow-legged Gull was with the Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach. The Short-eared Owl was hunting over the grassland and a Chiffchaff and a Goldcrest were in the churchyard.
12th – cloudy, calm at first then a freshening SW wind. A juvenile Great Northern Diver was offshore by the submerged tidal ponds and about six Red-throated Divers, three Great Crested Grebes and three drake Red-breasted Mergansers were also on the sea (a female Merganser flew east). An adult Gannet was also offshore, two Common Scoters flew east and six west and a Razorbill flew west. There were two Grey Plovers, 52 Ringed Plovers and 107 Dunlin on the beach at high tide. A single Snipe and the Short-eared Owl were flushed from the Marsh Pool during the incursion of the usual rescue dogs. Great Black-backed Gull numbers are holding up with 109 counted on the beach and the sea. There were ten Mallard on the pool at the mouth of the brook and a Little Grebe in the brook below the sluice. The male Stonechat was in the scrub, and two Chiffchaffs were in the churchyard and along the east bank.
11th – cloudy with a moderate SW wind. Two Great Crested Grebes flew west and four Red-throated Divers, a drake Red-breasted Merganser and an adult Gannet were seen offshore. An adult Mediterranean Gull was on the football pitch with Black-headed Gulls early morning and a Little Grebe was in the lower brook. Two Golden Plovers were on the beach on the incoming tide and two Grey Plovers at high tide. The Short-eared Owl was hunting over the grassland, the female Stonechat was in the scrub, there was a Chiffchaff calling in the wood, and two more around the Obs, and two Long-tailed Tits were also in the wood.
The shingle ridge is getting very “pinched” at the neck and it looks as if it could soon be breached. Watch this space!
A single Purple Sandpiper wintered here for two years but then there was only a single sighting last winter. Chances seem even slimmer now as it appears only one bird is wintering at nearby Hampton compared with up to four in recent years.
9th – sunny , calm then a light southerly wind. Five Red-throated Divers flew east, another was offshore, an adult Gannet was feeding offshore, a female Velvet Scoter flew west close inshore and a flock of 50 Golden Plovers flew west. Other waders included 30 Oystercatchers, 50 Ringed Plovers, three Sanderlings and 103 Dunlin at high tide. Great Black-backed Gulls continue to dominate with 110 scattered over the sea and single adult Yellow-legged Gull and Mediterranean Gull. Two Short-eared Owls were hunting over the grassland, the pair of Stonechats were in the scrub and one Chiffchaff was in the wood.
7th – cloudy, light southerly wind and still mild. Gulls continue to provide the main interest here, which is unusual! A futher increase in the numbers of Great Black-backed Gulls to a staggering 132 (as always mostly adults). Last December’s previous highest total was only 40. There were also two adult Yellow-legged Gulls (our first multiple occurrence) and again an adult Mediterranean Gull. Eight Red-throated Divers flew east, one Great Crested Grebe flew west, and another was on the sea, three Gannets were offshore, three drake Goosanders flew west and a two drake Red-breasted Mergansers were offshore. Five Lapwings and a Sanderling were amongst the waders on the beach. A Short-eared Owl continues to hunt over the grassland, the male Stonechat was at the eastern end of the beach, one Chiffchaff was along the east bank and, the surprise of the morning, a Snow Bunting flew west by the Obs with three Chaffinches (our first Snow Bunting of the winter).
6th – cloudy, fresh SW winds and mild. Slightly less uncomfortable conditions. Three Red-throated Divers were offshore. There was at least one Little Grebe in the lower brook, a pair of Mallard in the pool at the mouth of the brook, four Sanderlings on the beach and four Lapwings on the beach. Numbers of Great Black-backed Gulls continue to build up with 95 gathered on the beach on the outgoing tide, along with two adult Yellow-legged Gulls, at least one argentatus Herring Gull and an adult Mediterranean Gull. The pair of Stonechats were by the Obs, a single Chiffchaff was seen along the east bank and 25 Linnets were on the shingle ridge.
5th – cloudy, strong SW wind and mild. A Razorbill flew east close inshore and landed on the sea. 30 Lapwings flew west and there were also eight on the beach and five on the Marsh Pool. A Little Grebe was in the lower brook, the pair of Stonechats were around the Obs and two Chiffchaffs were along the east bank. Mild, uncomfortable conditions always likely to disappoint!
4th – cloudy with a moderate westerly wind. 41 Lapwings and 35 Golden Plovers flew west, there were six Sanderlings and a Grey Plover on the beach and four more Lapwings on the Marsh Pool. A pair of Mallard were on the pool at the mouth of the brook and a gathering of 60 Great Black-backed Gulls on the beach was a record total for this site. A single Skylark was heard calling, a Grey Wagtail was by the sluice, the male Stonechat was at the eastern end of the beach and there were two Chiffchaffs along the east bank.
2nd – cloudy, moderate SW wind and continuing mild. A female Marsh Harrier flew west over the sea. A Great Crested Grebe and a drake Red-breasted Merganser were on the sea, 76 Brent Geese and a Little Egret were on the beach and a Grey Heron was on the tidal ponds. Waders included 20 Lapwings flying west low over the sea, 300 Golden Plovers roosting on the beach, two Grey Plovers on the Hampton flats, and a Sanderling along the shoreline by the Obs. An adult Mediterranean Gull came in from the e ast to land on the shoreline by the Obs and a Peregrine circled to the south of the church before heading west. A Little Grebe was in the upper brook. The Short-eared Owl was hunting over the grassland. There were two Chiffchaffs along the east bank, a Goldcrest along the upper brook and a Grey Wagtail flew from the upper brook to the sewage works. There was a steady passage of 146 Chafffinches, and a single was also noted, flying west.
1st – cloudy with a moderate SW wind. There were 15 Mallard on the pool at the mouth of the brook (seven drakes, seven ducks and black-and-white individual) but a dog soon dispersed them as if trying to round up flying sheep. A single Gannet flew east. There was one Grey Heron on the tidal ponds and five Lapwings, that had been on the Marsh Pool, relocated to the beach when disturbed. A first-winter Kittiwake flew west along the shingle ridge. There were two Little Grebes in the brook, one behind the shingle ridge and one by the wooden bridge near the entrance to the sewage works. The Short-eared Owl was roosting in the grass near the Marsh Pool. The female Stonechat was at the eastern end of the beach, a Chiffchaff along the east bank, two Long-tailed Tits by the Scout Hut and two Jays along the east bank.