Boughton Park

Only a ninety-minute visit was possible on the 27th, when it was less cold, overcast, with a light north-easterly. There were only eight Mallard on the reservoir but 55 on the lake and no sign of a Teal or a Wigeon. Of interest was a Dunnock in song by the reservoir.



There was a hard frost on the 26th, which commenced almost cloudless but a very light north-easterly produced overcast conditions by the end of the visit. A duck Wigeon flew from the reservoir, circled overhead for a while but didn’t return. There was also a duck Teal on the lake and three Collared Doves were seen, just the third record for the month, comprising one by the reservoir and two near Spindlewood. Seeing two pairs of Bullfinches was also unusual. Two Herring Gulls flew NW and Bob saw 11 flying NE.

