Oare Marshes

drake Garganey and drake Wigeon
0745-0945 High hazy cloud and warming. A quick visit and walk west; stopping for a catch up with JR who already had found a male Garganey on the E flood—thks for my first Spring migrant! A  Kingfisher zipped through ,whilst two Cettis sang simultaneously, plus a third was centre W flood. There were numerous wildfowl , with PintailWigeonTealTufted Duck and Pochard well represented, plus eight Canada Geese loudly announcing their presence. A male Marsh Harrier was prominent over the W flood and two Ravens jousting with Rooks and Carrion Crows over the sheep-fields at Uplees. Size differential very pronounced as they `cronked` across the Swale from Sheppey. Skylarks were in full song and a couple of Long-tailed Tits were agitatedly house hunting. Four Great–crested Grebes swam W on the rising tide and a couple of Mediterranean Gulls flew high W . Mike R