Lapwing x 22, common snipe x 5, little-ringed plover x 6, redshank x 3, sand martin x 3, blackcap x 13, chiffchaff x 17, willow warbler x 2, nuthatch x 1, mistle thrush x 2,
jackdaw x 50, grey wagtail x 2, greenfinch x 1, brambling x 1 male, bullfinch x 1 (calling opposite the visitor centre).
Garganey x 4 (3 males and 1 female), common snipe x 4, willow warbler x 3, siskin x 1, redpoll x 1.
Oystercatcher x 1 (seen from Tyler Hide on island), little-ringed plover x 6, redshank x 2, kestrel x 1.
Red kite x 1, willow warbler x 3, garden warbler x 1, little-ringed plover x 7, redshank x 2, lesser-spotted woodpecker x 1, reed bunting x 1.
Grey heron on nest, red kite x 1, swallow x 2, sand martin x 8, common snipe x 6, little-ringed plover x 6, redshank x 4, garden warbler x 1 (heard), little egret x 1, kingfisher x 1.