1000—1630 Pleasantly warm and plenty of eyes and ears around the site , with KOS to the fore , plus other well known personalities ! I was joined by Dave P. and Keith C. watching the Bonaparte`s Gull in different locations including the shoreline , main W dyke and E flood during the morning. Some excellent images were immediately available on social media from photographic colleagues. 3 Spotted Redshanks were located in the ever increasing Black T Godwit flock, plus Greenshank, Ruff in bi-coloured `leggings`, Dunlins and male and female Emperor Dragonfly continue to provide easy viewing. Within the locale but E of the creek, a flock of 40+ Grey Plovers swept in, supported by Dunlins , with Common Sandpiper and Ringed Plover at water`s edge. c 30 Yellow Wagtails ; family party ofStonechats,; singing Corn Bunting and a large party of roosting Little Egrets were highlights. TwoSandwich Terns were roosting with Blk Hd Gulls. The second Emperor of the day came in the form of a larva of the moth on bramble . Thanks for the ID KD !
Mike Roser

Emperor Moth larva