Oare Marshes

1000—1200 2 Green Sandpipers were at the west side pond and a Buzzard circuited the shrubbery. 2 Cetti`s were singing in different locations and both Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat plus Chiffchaff were on the fruiting brambles. c 70 Ringed Plover were again on the E flood close to the road plus one Curlew Sandpiper.Walked W as tide filled with Curlews and Grey Plovers on the tidal margins. 2 Wheatears were at Uplees and 3 Marsh Harriers were quartering the saltings Sheppey side. Swallows and the occasional House Martin passed W in small, but continuous, numbers.
Mike Roser

Wheatear, GreenSandpiper /Mike Roser