Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve


Bullfinch x 3 (including 1 juvenile), nuthatch x 2, sparrowhawk at nest with 4 still white fluffy chicks, grey wagtail x 2 (snow goose island on East Lake), coal tit x 6, kingfisher x 3 (North and Snipe bog Lake), reed warbler x 7 (including one nest building seen from Slingsby Hide).

Lapwing survey: 22 Adults + young:

2 recently hatched (on main land left from the 4 originally counted), 3 part grown (scattered on the islands opposite Tyler Hide), 2 well feathered (from 2 different families, mixed in with adults), and 2 fledged also with the flock of adults.


Kingfisher x 1 (North Lake), Heronry: nest 4 has 2 young, grey wagtail x 1 (over Visitor Centre).


Kingfisher x 1.


Lapwing family with 4 recently hatched chicks still present.


Great crested grebes: 15 adutls including 2 nests, kingfisher x 2 (from Carter Hide).

Lapwing survey:

2 well feathered lapwings from 2 different families, 1 family with 3 recently hatched chicks, and 1 family with 4 recently hatched chicks= 4 families in total.


Peregrine x 1, nuthatch x 1, whitethroat x 1.


Nuthatch x 1.


Whitethroat x 1 (Tyler Hide), little ringed plover.


Egyptian goose x 6, mute swan x 7, tufted duck x 5, gadwall x 10, lesser black-backed gull x 2, green sandpiper  1, little ringed plover x 1, goldcrest x 2, coal tit x 1, great spotted woodpecker x 2, jackdaw x 70, common buzzard x 1.

18-6-2019 Monthly transect

Sparrowhawk x 1, common buzzard x 1, stock dove x 4, woodpigeon x 5, rose-ringed parakeet x 2, kingfisher x 5 (North, Snipe Bog and Long Lake), green woodpecker x 1, great spotted woodpecker x 3, grey wagtail x 1 (West Lake), wren x 35, dunnock x 2, robin x 20, blackbird x 18, song thrush x 3, reed warbler x 10, whitethroat x 2, garden warbler x 2, blackcap x 15, chiffchaff x 7, goldcrest x 2, long-tailed tit x 22, blue tit x 35, great tit x 8, coal tit x 1, nuthatch x 2, treecreeper x 5, jay x 2, magpie x 10, jackdaw x 3, chaffinch x 2. Heronry : nest number 4 adult with 2 chicks (still with fluffy heads).

Lapwing survey: Lapwing x 15 Adults + 3 recently hatched chicks, + 1 chick between recently hatched and part grown, 1 chick part grown (therefore 3 different families), little ringed plover x 2, reed warbler (singing from Tyler Hide reedbed).

16-6-2019 Webs count

Mute swan x 7, greylag goose x 156, Canada goose x 146, cormorant x 5, Egyptian goose x 5 adults + 5 young, grey heron x 3 adults and 2 young, teal x 1 male, mallard x 25, tufted duck x 28 adults and 6 young, moorhen x 13, coot x 48, black-headed gull x 5, herring gull x 4, little ringed plover x 4 (one on nest), lapwing x 10 (one on nest + 1 juvenile + brood of 4), great crested grebe x 15 adults and 1 juvenile +3 on nests, rose ringed parakeet x 2, sparrowhawk x 1 male and 1 female, swift x 70, house martin x 4, sand martin x 8, song thrush x 6, starling x 11 (form Tyler Hide), wren x 45, nuthatch x 2, goldcrest x 2, coal tit x 1, reed warbler x 8, blackcap x 17, garden warbler x 7, chiffchaff x 7, rook x 2 adults and 1 juvenile (sheep field), jay x 2, kingfisher x 2.


Great crested grebe x 4 nests, Raven x 4 (sheep field), little ringed plover x 1.


Raven x 8 (sheep field).